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10 October 2022

News of the journal "New Research of Tuva"

News of the journal "New Research of Tuva"Dear authors of our journal,

In 2023, we will change the section where researchers can publish their articles free of charge. Its title is "Encyclopedia of Tuvan Culture” (instead of the section for comparative Tuvan studies — "Dialogue of Cultures”).

In this section, we will publish articles comprising results of research on contemporary Tuvan ethnic culture:

— conditions, factors and trends of the development of Tuvan ethnic culture as a whole and its particular traditions, rituals in their current state;

— scientific, social, political and other issues of studies on contemporary ethnic culture of the Tuvans;

— description and analysis of particular cultural traditions and rituals of the Tuvan people;

— description and analysis of a cultural tradition and a rite of a specific kin group of the Tuvans;

— new forms of modern Tuvan ethnic culture (which have emerged over the past twenty years);

— reflections of sociocultural changes of recent years in the Tuvan language;

Editorial board
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18 September 2020

Dialogue of cultures

Dialogue of culturesDear contributors, 
We are happy to announce a permanent partnership between the «New Research of Tuva» and RUDN University. RUDN’s mission statement is «Uniting people of different cultures by knowledge, RUDN University creates leaders to make the World better». Thanks to our editorial collaboration, we are now starting a new permanent section in our journal. 
Dialogue of cultures. This section invites articles on comparative Tuvan studies. Tuva and Tuvan ethnic culture form a part of Russia and its culture but nevertheless they also belong to the region of Siberia, Buddhist culture, Turkic-speaking world and of the unique cultures of Central Asia and the Sayan-Altai region. Tuvan culture can be seen as a counterpart to those developed by other nomadic societies. We invite contributions  which provide intercultural analysis and draw parallels between historical facts, social, sociocultural and ethnocultural events and processes in Tuva and other comparable regions of various area. We hope this will be of use to both Tuvan studies and social sciences and humanities dealing with other ethnic cultures. Chronologically, contributions can cover the journal’s priorities and research interests from the period when Tuvan ethnicity arose in 17th and 18th centuries to the present day, with a special focus on 20th century and the current period.
Editorial Board
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20 August 2019

Call for articles The New Research of Tuva, No. 2, 2020 Issue theme: Tuva’s archives in the changing world: their history, using and preserving documents

Call for articles The New Research of Tuva, No. 2, 2020 Issue theme: Tuva’s archives in the changing world:  their history, using and preserving documentsDear colleagues,

We are looking for contributions to the thematic issue of The New Research of Tuva journal (http://nit.tuva.asia, No.2 2020, to be published in June 2020). Titled "Tuva’s archives in the changing world: their history, using and preserving documents”, the issue will be guest-edited by Maia Salchakovna Maadyr, Candidate of History (Tuvan State University). Archival documents preserve the undying memory of history and are an inexhaustible source of facts and events from the past, as well as of a variety of information on people of bygone days. It is for a reason that archives are known as repositories of collective memory of human societies. Thus, maintaining archives forms a crucial part of historical knowledge. 1930s saw the rise of archival work in Tuva, which was due to some particularities of its historical development, as well as other factors. Since 1944. when Tuva acceded to the USSR, its archival funds have been part of the USSR archives, and since 1991, of the Russian Federation’s. Correspondingly, the archival work in the region had its ups and downs, successes and tragedies. The system underwent a number of reforms in a quest for the optimal development path.

Journal Editor
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29 April 2018

New Research of Tuva is now indexed in Scopus

New Research of Tuva is now indexed in ScopusDear contributors and readers of the New Research of Tuva, dear colleagues, We are happy to inform you that our journal of Tuvan studies is now indexed in Scopus, a database maintained by Elsevier, Netherlands. Scopus is the world’s largest single abstract and citation database which covers over 21000 scientific and medical journals from around 5000 international publishers. The database, updated annually, comprises over 50 million items from around the world, including over 100000 books, 370 book series, 6.8 mln conference papers. As of now, Scopus indexes 473 currently active Russian research periodicals. New journals are accepted every year. In 2015, a Russian advisory board was set up to facilitate acceptance of local journals, which sped up the selection process. While prior to 2016, a dozen Russian journals were accepted annually, the first year under the new system saw the approval of 76 journals, followed by 50 more in 2017, and several in 2018, including the New Research of Tuva – the only academic journal fully devoted to studying the society and culture of Tuva. The expert opinion of CSAB on our journal, among other things, said that the journal "focuses on the Tuva region, but is wide-ranging in terms of subjects covered. The content is of a high quality, and the English versions (both full articles and abstracts) impress, underlining the international nature of the journal. The journal has a good homepage, and the presentation of the issues covered is of a high quality too”.

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26 September 2017

Special issue “The problems of teaching Tuvan language to native and non-native speakers in Tuva and beyond”

Special issue “The problems of teaching Tuvan language to native and non-native speakers in Tuva and beyond”Dear colleagues!


We are delighted to invite you to participate in the special issue of "The New Research of Tuva” journal #1 of 2018 (to be released in March 2018). The issue will be dedicated to "The problems of teaching Tuvan language to native and non-native speakers in Tuva and beyond”. Candidate of Pedagogy Margarita B. Kungaa (Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Studies) will guest edit the issue.

Tuvan language is a part of Sayan group of Turkic languages and is a mother-tongue for aborigines of Tuva – Tuvans, counting more than 300 thousand people worldwide and 250 thousand – in the republic. Lingual policies of Tuva are based on strategy of keeping and cementing the balanced Tuvan-Russian and Russian-Tuvan bilingualism. Tuvan language is being taught in schools and other educational institutions of Tuva, widely used in culture, media, etc.

Journal Editor
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3 August 2017

Special issue “The issues of history of Soviet Tuva (Tuvan Autonomous Region, Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)”

Special issue “The issues of history of Soviet Tuva (Tuvan Autonomous Region, Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)”Dear colleagues!
A special issue of "The New Research of Tuva” #4 of 2017 will be released in June. It will be dedicated to "The issues of history of Soviet Tuva (Tuvan Autonomous Region, Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)”. Candidate of History Marianna M.-B. Kharunova (Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Studies) will guest edit the issue. Reconstruction and apprehension of Tuvan history of Soviet period is a pertinent thrust for historical and socio-philosophical studies of huge social importance. The scholars and general public seeks for objective notion of reasons why Tuva selected socialistic future, what problems this choice caused and what gains it gave. It is also important to understand the role of personalities in the history of Soviet Tuva as well as peculiarities of public events and processes. Which new methodological narratives can provide widest possible study of the period.  Which issues can be identified by the historians and social scientists as key, junctional, least investigated and most disputable. The historical theme of the issue is devoted to 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution in Russia, which launched the Soviet period in the history of the country.
Journal Editor
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10 March 2017

Special issue “The mentality of the Tuvans in comparative aspect”

Special issue “The mentality of the Tuvans in comparative aspect”Dear colleagues! We endorse you to participate in the special issue of "The New Research of Tuva” magazine #3 of 2017 (to be released in September 2017). The issue will be devoted to "The mentality of the Tuvans in comparative aspect”. Publishing editor of the release is Ch. K. Lamazhaa, Doctor of Philosophy (Moscow University for the Humanities). Mentality of the Tuvans is an important object of scientific research, rendered by scholars in different countries in various aspects including spiritual culture, worldviews, ethnic identities, peoples’ philosophies, national characters, etc. These references are of importance also in general understanding of the Tuvan culture, of social and ethnocultural processes in Tuva including their effect in social and economic reforms and general sociocultural development. Considering the relationship of the Tuvans with neighboring peoples of Central Asia it is important to enrich the scientific knowledge in parallel and comparative studies. Supporting the new approaches in exploring the new horizons of scientific studies is of prime importance.
Journal Editor
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4 Fabruary 2017

Special issue “Contemporary studies of the Tuvan music”

Special issue “Contemporary studies of the Tuvan music”Dear colleagues! A special issue of "The New Research of Tuva” #2 of 2017 will be released in June. It will be dedicated to "Contemporary studies of the Tuvan music”. Doctor of Culturology V. Yu. Suzukey (Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Studies) will guest edit the issue. During the last decades, Tuvan music revealed itself to the World Music and cemented positions in world performer practices. It also attracts huge interest as an object for scientific studies. Researcher should feel no lack of thesis and studies both of Russian and foreign scientists devoted to the Tuvan music. Nonetheless, scientific study of musical art of Tuvans is still in initial stage. Many aspects of this unique people’s phonation techniques are still understudied. Consequently, new studies performed at different positions and aspects always attract a strong interest.
Journal Editor
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4 November 2016

Special issue “Subethnic groups of Tuvans: history and contemporaneity”

Special issue “Subethnic groups of Tuvans: history and contemporaneity” The New Research of Tuva is delighted to announce a call for articles for a special issue (to be released in March 2017 as No. 1, 2017). It will focus on the topic of "Subethnic groups of Tuvans: history and contemporaneity”. Chuluun Sampildondov, PhD from Institute of History of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and Candidate of History, docent E.V. Aiyzhy from the Tuvan State University will guest edit the issue. The issue will concentrate on a spectrum of actual problems regarding ethnic and ethnocultural history, ethnolingual situation and interethnic relations of different groups of Tuvan population in Russian Federation, Mongolia and China. A range of theoretical and methodological approaches to solving the problems will be presented among with the results of latest field studies by Russian and foreign scientists. New ethnographic data on a subjected groups, analysis of changes in ethnocultural, ethnosocial life of subethnic groups of Tuvans (transformation of traditional culture) will also be reflected in the special issue.
Journal Editor
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8 August 2016

Special issue “Information technologies in Tuvan philology studies”

Dear colleagues!
The New Research of Tuva is delighted to announce a call for articles for a special issue (to be released in December as No. 4, 2016). It will focus on the topic of "Information technologies in Tuvan philology studies”. Candidate of Philology, Docent M.V. Bavuu-Surun, director of "Turkic Studies” Scientific Educational Center of  Tuvan State University will guest edit the issue.
Language is an important component of a peoples culture. Nowadays almost all the languages of small nations in Russian Federation are under the danger of disappearance, many of them will vanish in nearest future. This actualizes the task of keeping the language as a mean of communication and learning. Tuvan language is not an exception though it has been a full-scale mean of communication and learning for Tuvans just decades ago. Unfortunately, a gradual process of language deprivation is being enforced by globalization and became more intense on the bound of centuries. But the native speakers have not fully perceived the danger hanging over the Tuvan language.

Journal Editor
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31 May 2016

Special issue “The new data on the history of the Peoples Republic of Tuva (1921-1944)”

Special issue “The new data on the history of the Peoples Republic of Tuva (1921-1944)”Dear colleagues! The New Research of Tuva is delighted to announce a call for articles for a special issue (to be released in September as No. 3, 2016). It will focus on the topic of "The new data on the history of the Peoples Republic of Tuva (1921-1944)”. Nikolay M. Mollerov from the Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Socioeconomic Studies will guest edit the issue. 

History of Tuva as independent state Peoples Republic of Tuva (1921–1944), is a rich field for investigation because many documents of the period have not been studied (or even discovered). This was the time when the Republic established many fields of public life in close cooperation with its northern neighbor – Russia, which led to a subsequent voluntaryaccession of PRT into the USSR. The questions of interest includehow this process happened, which documents attest to it, how they are being interpreted, what has already been done by the historians and what still lies ahead; what is the role of certain persons in times of change.

Journal Editor
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28 March 2016

Special issue "Contemporary ethnosocial processes in Tuva"

Special issue "Contemporary ethnosocial processes in Tuva"Dear colleagues, 
The New Research of Tuva is delighted to announce a call for articles for a special issue (to be released in June as No. 2, 2016). It will focus on the topic of "Contemporary ethnosocial processes in Tuva”. Doctor of philosophy, Professor Yu.V. Popkov will guest edit the issue. 
In 2016 the journal updated its concept and format. We will concentrate on topic-based issues, inviting authors to closely examine specific research problems, with assistance from guest editors. 
The "Contemporary ethnosocial processes in Tuva” special issue will look at a spectrum of trending ethnosocial issues in the region, as well as at various theoretical and methodological approaches to solving these problems. We also encourage contributions in social sciences which investigate  similar issues in the regions of Siberia and Central Asia. 
We invite you to contribute articles on the following areas of focus:
Journal Editor.
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10 August 2015

Leading Chinese businessman Jack Ma visits Tyva Republic

Leading Chinese businessman Jack Ma visits Tyva RepublicInternet magnate and philanthropist Jack Ma - mainland China's richest man - visited Siberia's Tyva Republic as he admitted that his dreams for his business empire Alibaba Group is not yet realised. The tycoon was hosted by the president of Tyva Republic Sholban Kara-ool, who met him at the airport in Kyzyl. He visited the National Museum and saw priceless artifacts - including finds of gold - from the 'Arzhaan-2' burial mound.
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27 May 2015

Traditional Tuvan Throat Singers Mesmerize Lowcountry

Photo courtesy of Alash Ensemble Ayan-ool Sam, Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, Ayan ShirizhikPhoto courtesy of Alash Ensemble Ayan-ool Sam, Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, Ayan ShirizhikThe Metro Charleston music scene offered up a rare treat when Tuvan throat singing trio Alash played a free show recently at St. John the Beloved Catholic Church in Summerville.

While difficult to describe succinctly, the singing relies heavily on harmonics and, at times, features the singer producing multiple notes simultaneously. Traditional folk guitar, flute, and drum often round out the performance.

Currently on tour promoting their third album, Achai, Alash is comprised of Ayan-ool Sam, Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, and Ayan Shirizhik, all deeply experienced musicians who have been performing since they were young children.

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24 May 2015

Chinese company signs Tuva railway agreement

Tuva Energy Industrial Corp and China Civil Engineering Construction Corp have signed a memorandum of understanding for the implementation of privately financed railway and port projects.Tuva Energy Industrial Corp and China Civil Engineering Construction Corp have signed a memorandum of understanding for the implementation of privately financed railway and port projects.Coal mining concession holder Tuva Energy Industrial Corp and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corp subsidiary of China Railway Construction Corp have signed a memorandum of understanding for the implementation of privately financed railway and port projects.

The three agreements signed on May 8 cover a proposed 410 km mixed traffic railway in the Republic of Tyva which would link the Tyva Elegest coalfield with Kyzyl and the Russian Railways network at Kuragino; a coal port at Vanino in the Khabarovsk region; and a possible railway from Kyzyl into western China.

The Railway Gazette International
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