Portal for tuvinology

Tuva.Asia / The New Research of Tuva

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Сегодня 26 March 2025 г.
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About the project

Dear colleagues!

This portal presents the current state of Tuvan studies — a branch of the humanities that investigates the history and culture of the Republic of Tuva (Russia).

There were several preconditions for the elaboration of our web site. Inter se:

  • Nowadays there are many research centers in Russia and all over the world where Tuvan scholars work. There are odd relations between them or there are none of them at all.
  • Since the 1990's a new stage of development for the science of Tuva as well as for Russian science has started. The previous theoretical and methodological restrictions were lifted and an opportunity for enrichment with the whole range of world’s currently available theoretical approaches appeared.
  • The science of Tuva and about Tuva is not represented on the Web at all. But the Internet gives us an opportunity to inform all interested persons about the results of researches as soon as practicable. It also allows publishing scientific works, arranging contacts, and conducting a dialogue regardless of location on the globe.

Our Crew

The idea of the project was hatched during working meetings and discussions among colleagues from Kyzyl and Moscow. There are the following Tuvinian scientists among the authors of the project: Valentina Suzukey, Ailana Kuzhuget, Svetlana Orus-ool, Chimiza Lamazhaa, and Aleksandr Papyn. The conception of the web site was framed in the spring of 2008 in the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies of Moscow University for the Humanities where Ch. Lamazhaa works.

The project was created with the support of Russian Scientific Fund for the Humanities (grant № 09-03-12130в).

The journal was registered as a mass media by the Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications of Russian Federation (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of registration Эл №ФС77-37967 issued on November 5, 2009.

ISSN 2079-8482.

The Russian version of the portal was opened on July 1, 2009. The English version was presented in September 2010.


Our Issue-related Interests

The main topical priority of our Internet publication is conceptualization of modernizing processes and current trends’ difficulties in Tuva in various fields: culture, politics, economics, social sphere, science, etc. Our authors also try to comprehend these processes in different aspects and in the interrelation of traditions and innovations in them. What kind of Tuva it was yesterday, is today, and what will it face in the future — here are the issues of our interest.

In order to achieve an in-depth conceptualization of social processes in Tuva we are interested in dialogue with specialists who study the history, ethnography, current state of other nomadic cultures of Central Asia. Some special columns are designed for them.


Who can become an author and what can be published on the portal?

We are oriented at a full-fledged dialogue in miscellaneous fields.

On our portal results of researches, analytical materials, opinions of current interest, interviews, reviews, annotations, surveys of scientific events, stenographs, essays, and others are being published.

We invite for collaboration not only scientists, but also journalists, politicians, officials, representatives of any occupations, if they have something to say. We also have a special rubric for young and novice authors (pupils, students, postgraduates).

Among our authors there are people from Tuva, other regions of Russia, and abroad.


Structure of the Project

Our main project — scientific journal "The New Research of Tuva” — is being published on-line on the portal.

Satellite Subprojects are:

1) Newsline — "Tuva.Asia” (news of tuvinology and for tuvinology);

2) "Personalia” Section (members of the editorial council and board of the journal, as well as our authors) — in Russian;

3) "Library” Section (electronical copies of books, articles, links to electronic publications that are useful for scholars from Tuva and regions of Central Asia) — in Russian.

© 2009—2025, Tuva.Asia - portal for tuvinology, «The New Research of Tuva» - electronic magazine . All Rights Reserved.
Established in 2009
Registered as a mass media by the Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications of Russian Federation, certificate Эл №ФС77-37967 issued on November, 5 2009.

If quoted, hyperlink to Tuva.Asia obligatory.


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