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Tuva.Asia / The New Research of Tuva

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Сегодня 26 March 2025 г.
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For the authors

The rules of article formatting in the journal “The New Research of Tuva”:

1. Articles in Russian and/or English are acceptable.

2. The article should contain an abstract (not more than one paragraph) in Russian and English.

3. The article should be not more than 1,0 printer's sheet — 40,000 symbols. It must be typed in MS Word format, font size 14, one-and-a-half interval, the margins: from above and the left — 3 cm, from the right and below — 2 cm.

4. The footnotes are put into brackets within the text: (author, year: page). For example, “As S.I. Weinstein writes in his work (Weinstein, 1972: 7), this issue is being considered in such a manner…”. There must be a full list of bibliography (in alphabetical order, only cited literature should be mentioned) after the main text of the article.

For example:


Weinstein, S. I. (1972) Historical Ethnography of Tuvinians. Problems of Nomadic Economy. Moscow : Nauka.

4. Please, specify credits (information about author): surname, name, patronymic, academic degree and title, occupational title, place of employment, telephones (office and home with area code), e-mail (compulsorily), scientific favors, if possible — list of scientific publications.

5. The article is attended with photo of the author in JPG format.

The articles should be posted in electronic format to e-mail. In the subject of the article, please, note “Article for the Journal New Research of Tuva”.

For the newsline “Tuva.Asia” the following pieces of information are being accepted:

  • on events, forthcoming and overpast conferences, congresses, symposiums, round tables, seminars, etc. that are of interests for the humanitarian science of Tuva;
  • on participation of Tuvan scholars in scientific sessions of any level, their reports, meetings;
  • on planned and accomplished scientific expeditions around Tuva and Central Asia;
  • on new publications (presentations, reviews, abstracts) in the field of turcology, Mongolian studies, Tuvinology, Buddhology;
  • on forthcoming and previous defenses of theses (announcements, reports, documentaries);
  • on upcoming and former jubilees of Tuvan scholars (announcements, reports, sketches), et al.

Photos attached to pieces of information are welcome.

Offers of permanent collaboration are accepted.

General Questions

Articles are being accepted without pay. Fee earnings are not paid, except for the cases of special orders from the editorial board.

We accept only articles, but on extraordinary occasions, if an author would like to make his/her original, interesting work accessible for Internet users, we can consider a variant of special edition of the journal with electronical publication of this manuscript.

© 2009—2025, Tuva.Asia - portal for tuvinology, «The New Research of Tuva» - electronic magazine . All Rights Reserved.
Established in 2009
Registered as a mass media by the Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications of Russian Federation, certificate Эл №ФС77-37967 issued on November, 5 2009.

If quoted, hyperlink to Tuva.Asia obligatory.


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