A special issue of "The New Research of Tuva” #4 of 2017 will be released in June. It will be dedicated to "The issues of history of Soviet Tuva (Tuvan Autonomous Region, Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)”. Candidate of History Marianna M.-B. Kharunova (Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Studies) will guest edit the issue
Reconstruction and apprehension of Tuvan history of Soviet period is a pertinent thrust for historical and socio-philosophical studies of huge social importance. The scholars and general public seeks for objective notion of reasons why Tuva selected socialistic future, what problems this choice caused and what gains it gave. It is also important to understand the role of personalities in the history of Soviet Tuva as well as peculiarities of public events and processes. Which new methodological narratives can provide widest possible study of the period. Which issues can be identified by the historians and social scientists as key, junctional, least investigated and most disputable.
The historical theme of the issue is devoted to 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution in Russia, which launched the Soviet period in the history of the country.
Proposed list of topics for the issue:
Problems of methodology of the history of Tuva in 20th century;
Initiation of Soviet reforms in Tuva;
Tuva joins the USSR;
Problems of economic, political, social and cultural development in Soviet Tuva;
Strides of Soviet Tuva;
The role of S.K. Toka in Soviet reforms in Tuva;
The problems of sources of Tuva’s Soviet history;
Socio-demographic, interethnic, religious processes in Soviet Tuva;
Each article should not exceed 30,000 characters (incl. spaces) in Russian or English. The submission deadline is October 1, 2017.
Beside the indicated topic we continue accepting articles on topical priorities of the journal, including sections "Scientific life”, "We read, we cogitate (abstracts and reviews)”.