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24 May 2013

The statue of Buddha to be made of fibreglass and filled up with Sacred Books

The statue of Buddha to be made of fibreglass and filled up with Sacred BooksThe works on the erection of the biggest statue of Buddha in Russia are drawing towards a completion, a representative of the Tuvan Buddhist Union Buyan Bashky says.

The construction of the 6 meters tall postament has already been finished on the Dogee Mountain. Tibetan artists have been working on the shape of the statue throughout May. Gigantic monument will be located in Kyzyl, the capital of the Republic of Tuva, on the top of Dogee Mountain and will be visible from all parts of the city, Buyan Bashky says.

At the very start of the project the statue was planned to be 40 meters tall, but changes have been made later with the result of reducing height of the monument to 21 meters, 15 meters  - the figure of  Buddha and 6 meters of the lotus throne.

The idea of the emerging of the statue was born several years ago, but due to the economical crisis and financial difficulties the works started just in 2011. All the construction is being made by means of community’s donations and contributions, and not only financial.

Kyzyl Sibnovosti, Noviy Vek Channel. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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14 May 2013

VI International Ethnomusical Symposium "Khoomei"

VI International Ethnomusical Symposium "Khoomei"The Internet competition (further - Competition) among Russian and foreign performers of throat-singing (Tuvan khoomei), 8-13 June, 2013 – within the VI International Ethnomusical Symposium "Khoomei"

Founders of the Competition:

- Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tyva;

- Center of development of the Tuvan traditional culture and crafts;

- International scientific center "Hoomey";

The Competition aims at increasing and strengthening of the prestige of the Tuvan throat singing in the Russian Federation and worldwide.

The Tasks of the present Competition are:

- promotion of the Tuvan traditional musical culture in the world ;

- public recognition of the personal contribution of fans and supporters from outside of Tuva performing different styles of Tuvan throat-singing to the development and promotion of the Tuvan culture;

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1 May 2013

The International Silk Road Congress: To Rethink a Region of Commerce, Cooperation and Peace

The International Silk Road Congress: To Rethink a Region of Commerce, Cooperation and PeaceDear Colleagues, The Silk Road was the major commercial route extending from mainland Asia on to Europe and Africa that has continued its significant logistical role for a period of almost 2000 years up until the early modern times. It was named after the Chinese silk transported over to the West. This main commercial route, has also continued to function as a basic link between the peoples and cultures along it for centuries. In today’s world of expanding globalization, the countries along this route, with Turkey at its centre,  similarly figure prominently on today’s global economic, social, cultural and political agenda. The recent academic efforts to re-evaluate and rejuvenate the Silk Road in all of its various facets have culminated in the idea to organize an international conference on the subject. “The International Silk Road Congress: To Rethink a Region of Commerce, Cooperation and Peace”, is being organised  in collboration with various institutions and  universities, and under the coordination of the Ankara Centre for Thought and Research and Istanbul Commmerce University. It is planned to be held in Istanbul, Turkey on 27-30 October 2013. 
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17 April 2013

Tyva araga in the British Isles

Tyva araga in the British IslesRussian information agencies a few days ago disseminated the news about a British farmer who produces Tuvan araga. It is said that James Bond himself tasted it. Details below. Dairy farmer Jason Barber from Seaborough Manor told the "Dorset" journal in September, how he makes cheese and magnificent vodka that gained recognition in the country. The Barber family has been involved in farming since at least the early 1800's if not earlier. Jason's father moved to Seaborough Manor in 1958. In 2000 Jason took over his father's farm and started his own business - dairy farming. The farm consists of 379 acres, of which 100 acres belong to Jason. Additionally he rents another 120 acres from adjacent neighbors. The farm gets milk from 250 cows, and each cow produces about 26 liters of milk every day on the average. In the summer the cows graze on pasture lands, and in winter they are fed grass and corn silage. He started off his new business in making milk araga in May of last year, and as Jason said: "The idea was born from a wish to diversify the production of my herd (not even speaking of having a lively interest in this type of vodka).
Plus Inform news-paper. Translated by Heda Jindrak, IA TO
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6 March 2013

The New Research of Tuva 2013 No.1 is ready

The New Research of Tuva 2013 No.1 is readyDear friends! We are happy to inform you that the first issue of The New Research of Tuva 2013 is now ready. Traditionally, our first series are dedicated to the beginning of a new season. The issue contains 20 articles that may be of interest for specialists and general readers. Orientalists and Tuvinologists may find newsworthy the articles of our colleagues from Kalmykiya and Bashkortorstan. There are some post-expeditionary notes of the summer season in the issue. Seven new people have joined the group of our authors represented by scientists, pedagogues, students, and even a scholar. The traveling notes written by a famous Tuvan singer Sofia Kara-ool-Dulush about the tour of the Government Orchestra of the Republic of Tuva to Asian regions need to be highlighted as well. The diary notes have been already published in the Internet, but we have the edited, easier-to-read, version. All the articles are soon to be exported to the Russian Science Citation Index database. Dear colleagues,  we are looking forward to seeing your new works!

Editorial Board. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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11 Fabruary 2013

Electronic Encyclopedia of Tuvan Musical Instruments

Electronic Encyclopedia of Tuvan Musical InstrumentsFestina lente or make haste slowly is what scientists know and believe in, as sometimes there is a huge time gap between the emergence of an idea and its actual implementation. In our case, the project of the electronic encyclopedia “Musical Instruments of Tuva” has appeared six years later after the first thought of it.

The Encyclopedia released last year under the aegis of the East-Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts is popular among students, musicians, scientists, and curious readers. The project has received a huge number of positive responses from the leading folk bands of the region, throat singers, scientists, journalists, and numerous foreign guests of the republic.

Such high rating was especially pleasant for the authors of the project – the Candidacy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Dean of Tuvan branch of the East-Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts Vera Koshkar-ool and Doctor of Culturology Valentina Suzukei, who is working in Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian Researches for many years.

Marina Chanzan, Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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4 January 2013

Rose Parade 2013: Siberian throat singer can't be heard — again

Rose Parade 2013: Siberian throat singer can't be heard — againThroat singer Kongar-ool Ondar from Tuva, the tiny region of Siberia just outside of Outer Mongolia, was supposed to have been singing out in three-part harmony — by himself — atop a horse equipped with a stereo amplifier in Tuesday's Rose Parade. The sound equipment was designed to prevent a repeat of his first appearance in 1993, when Ondar, singing without amplification, couldn't be heard over the din of the crowd. Unfortunately, for reasons not immediately clear, Ondar was silent as he and two bare-chested dancers dubbed Flying Eagles of Tuva exchanged waves and smiles with fans shortly after the start of the parade on the KTLA-TV (Channel 5) broadcast. It was a sad, silent echo of what happened two decades ago, when the throat-singing horsemen weredrowned out during the 1993 Rose Parade by a high school band. Just before this year's parade, Ondar spokesman Ralph Leighton told The Times that "this time, Ondar will be microphoned so that fans along the parade route can hear him singing multiple notes simultaneously."

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25 December 2012

Results of research of Choigan mineral waters to be evaluated

Results of research of Choigan mineral waters to be evaluatedResults of complex expedition research of therapeutic and touristic-recreational use of natural arzhaan complex "Choigan mineral waters" will be presented today at a scientific seminar at the National Museum of Tuva. The initiators of this educational seminar are the Scientific Research institute of medical and social problems and government of Republic Tuva, Tuvan regional section of Russian Geographic Society, and OOO "Laboratory of arzhaanology and tourism". Evaluation of results of clinical medicine studies of natural therapy at the springs of Choigan arzhaan is on the program of this action. It includes diagnostic laboratory studies, cardiologic studies, possibility of therapy for neurologic, ophthalmologic and musculo-skeletal disorders at the Choigan arzhaan mineral springs. The scientific research workers and physicians of medical institutions took into account also the social-demographic character of the citizens who came for recreation and therapy to the Choigan arzhaan complex during last year, and the adaptation potential of human organism to high altitude mountain conditions.
Minzdrav.tuva.ru. Translated by Heda Jindrak, IA TO
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21 December 2012

Leonid Kruglov: Tuva is our Eastern pole

Leonid Kruglov: Tuva is our Eastern poleOn 20 May 2012, the famous Russian sailing ship "Sedov" departed form Sankt-Peterburg and started on a 14-month circumnavigation of the world. The journey of "Sedov" - the largest training sailing ship of the world - is dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood and the 200th anniversary of the first Russian circumnavigation of I.F. Kruzenstern and Yu.F. Lisianskiy. For the explorer, film director, ethnographer and member of Russian Geographic Society Leonid Kruglov, the journey of "Sedov" represents the last stage of his project "Seven courageous ones. In the footprints of great Russian explorers.". After the completion of the circumnavigation, the First Channel will show a seven-part serial film of the same name, which will incorporate fresh footage as well as archival materials. On board of the ship, there is also the winner of a contest of Russian Geographic Society "In the footprints of Kruzenstern" Alexandra Mushta, who is keeping a journal of the Pacific segment of the voyage.
Argumenty i fakty. Translated by Heda Jindrak, IA TO
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9 December 2012

The Hunt for Genghis Khan’s Tomb

The Hunt for Genghis Khan’s TombIn the eight hundred years since his death, people have sought in vain for the grave of Genhis Khan, the 13th-century conqueror and imperial ruler who, at the time of his death, occupied the largest contiguous empire, stretching from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific. In capturing most of central Asia and China, his armies killed and pillaged but also forged new links between East and West. One of history’s most brilliant and ruthless leaders, Khan remade the world. But while the life of the conqueror is the stuff of legend, his death is shrouded in the mist of myths. Some historians believe he died from wounds sustained in battle; others that he fell off his horse or died from illness. And his final burial place has never been found. At the time great steps were taken to hide the grave to protect it from potential grave robbers. Tomb hunters have little to go on, given the dearth of primary historical sources. Legend has it that Khan’s funeral escort killed anyone who crossed their path to conceal where the conqueror was buried. Those who constructed the funeral tomb were also killed—as were the soldiers who killed them. One historical source holds that 10,000 horsemen “trampled the ground so as to make it even”; another that a forest was planted over the site, a river diverted.

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2 December 2012

The Tuvan National Orchestra is planning to perform a number of concerts in Moscow and Moscow Region

The Tuvan National Orchestra is planning to perform a number of concerts in Moscow and Moscow RegionIn mid-December Russian capital will receive a well-known musical ensemble, the Tuvan National Orchestra led by art director and conductor Ayana Mongush, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tuva. Twenty eight musicians and singers, including the eminent world-acclaimed throat singers of Tuva and the members of “Chirgilchin”, “Alash”, ”Khogzhumchu”, ”Ugulza” bands, will give two pre-New Year performances for Muscovites and inhabitants of Stupino, Moscow’s satellite town. The concerts are sponsored by Auriant Mining AB, a Swedish gold mining company, with the assistance of the Plenipotentiary Representative Office of the Republic of Tuva in Moscow.

The first performance will be given at “Koroliovskiy” Concert Hall on December 14, 2012 at 18.00. Address: Akademika Koroliova Street 15, Block 2 ("Maryina Roshcha" or VDNKH metro stations). Information & booking: +7 (499) 236-48-01 — Tuvan Plenipotentiary Representative Office in Moscow.

The Tuvan National Orchestra will perform at StupinoPalace of Culture (Moscow Region) on December 15, 2012. Address: Stupino, Moscow Region, Prospekt Pobedy, 18/43. Phone: +7 (496-64) 4-14-23.

Translated by Cheynesh Saryg-Dongak
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30 November 2012

The 4th issue of The New Research of Tuva 2012 is now ready

The 4th issue of The New Research of Tuva 2012 is now readyWe are happy to present you the fourth and the last issue of The New Research of Tuva this year. The winter release contains articles of our permanent and very recent authors. In fact, there are 14 new authors in the current release!

The issue includes a full interview with a Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Datsyshen, Orientalist articles (about Mongolia and Mongolology; about the current state of science in Bashkortostan);

itineraries about Tuvans of China written by a Doctor of Historical Sciences Marina Mongush who had visited  those places, where she gathered ethnographic materials 20 years ago;

an article of German anthropologist Annette Olschlegel presenting a genre of Tuvan legends;

a feedback on Sergey Brilyov’s book and on his impressions about Tuva and many other materials.

Editorial board. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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27 November 2012

Journal "Recreation in Russia" about Mongun-Taiga

Journal "Recreation in Russia" about Mongun-TaigaIn southwest Siberia in Tuva, between Mongolia and Altai, the mountain massif Mongun-Taiga spread its shoulders - the mountain ridges, glittering with glaciers of the Silver Mountain. It is a harsh land of wind-blown high-altitude meadows, stony slopes and icy rivers. Only strong and tough people survive here, Tuvans of Turkic roots, living a nomadic life with their herds of sheep and yaks. They are kind to their guests, but guests are rare - it is not an easy road to the remote mountain pastures. But those who had made the trip fell in love with the simple beauty of its wild nature and the people living in harmony with it. Mongun-Taiga kozhuun, one of the most beautiful and mountainous districts of Tuva, is located in the south-west of the republic. It is named after the tallest mountain of Tuva, which is visible here from anywhere - Mongun-Taiga, with the altitude of 3970 meters (@13,220 feet). The name speaks for itself - Silver Mountain, as the glaciers covering it glitter in the sun.

Oleg Smoliy, translated by Heda Jindrak, Tuvaonline
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13 November 2012

Russian TV to make plots about agriculture of Tuva

Russian TV to make plots about agriculture of Tuva Journalists of the “Rossia-1” and “Rossia-24” TV channels working in the Agro Business and Agrarian Morning programs visited Tuva. The production team plans to make several video plots related to the farming sector of Tuva including yak and horse breeding, milk processing, traditional products manufacture (sarzhag, chokpek, aarzhy, tarak, khoytpak, byshtak), as a reporter Inga Kanisheva stated.

“We are also interested in the way the beginning farmers support program is implementing in the republic” – the reporter emphasized. “This is a great opportunity  to present our republic on the state federal TV channels within popular trade business programs, especially when there are so many  positive outcomes in the areas of the journalists’ interest”  - the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sergey Oyun said.

On 6-9 November  the production team visited Mongun-Taiga, Bay-Taiga, Dzun-Khemchik districts having visited local farmers.

Press-service of the Government of the RT. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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10 November 2012

Foreigners Invited to Tuva for a Two Weeks Summer Program to Study Tuvan language and Culture

Foreigners Invited to Tuva for a Two Weeks Summer Program to Study Tuvan language and CultureThe Tuvan State University of Kyzyl, Republic of Tuva is organizing a summer study program for foreigners, from June 30 - July 14, 2013 called “Two Weeks of Tuva”.

Participants will study the Tuvan language four academic hours (three actual hours) a day, Monday through Friday, in groups of 3-6 students.  By the end of the 40-academic-hour program, participants will know basic words, simple phrases, and how to talk about themselves, their family and their home.

Evenings and weekends will be spent visiting museums, sites and concerts and enjoying nature outings.  Special interviews with historians, musicians and religious leaders will also be organized.  During a portion of their stay, participants will be able to live in a traditional Tuvan yurt.

Participants will be met by a representative of the Tuvan State University in Krasnoyarsk, Russia on the morning of June 30th and will take a bus down to Kyzyl, Tuva where the majority of the program activities will take place.  Those enrolling are responsible for their own travel to and from Krasnoyarsk, Russia prior to June 30th.  Bus fare back to Krasnoyarsk on July 14th is also included into the program.

Vanessa Greer, Tuvaonline
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