About issue, articles and authors (editor’s word)
Orientalism issues
Orientalists’ meeting in Kazan (review of the 8th Congress of Russian Orientalists) (Ch. K. Lamazhaa)
Graivoronskiy V. V. Mongolia’s state policy in the field of mongolistics
Popkov Yu. V., Tyugashev E. A. Mongolia in the world community of civilizations and nations
Galyautdinov I. G., Hisamitdinova F. G., Psyanchin A. V., Psyanchin Yu. V. Orientalism in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2010-2012: results and prospects
Times of Change
Vladimir Datsyshen: “History can’t be done without comparative analysis” (interview by Ch. K. Lamazhaa)
Anayban Z. V. Civil society institutions in Post-Soviet Khakassia
Bicheldey U. P. About the main trends in protection, exploitation, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects in the Republic of Tuva
Fentsel O. V. Role of National Library in serving the multiethnic region
Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow
Oelschlägel A. C. (Germany) Contemporary legends from Tuva
Kuzhuget A. K. Problems of preserving the architectural face of old Kyzyl
Semyonov V. A. Archeological artifacts of right bank Tuva
Dyrtyk-ool A. O. Vladimir Petrovich Yermolayev
Mongush M. V. At Xinjian Tuvans: twenty years later
Kara-ool L. S. Tsengel Tuvan elementary school
Nomads of the Asian continent
Rassadin V. I. Gerunds in Mongolian and Turkic languages
Basangova T. G. Farmery poetry of Kalmyks
Scientific life
To the 120th anniversary of the first director of Tuvan National Museum V.P. Yermolayev (M. M. Mandan-Khorluu, U. B. Nurzat)
International Science and Practice Conference “Historical and Cultural Heritage of the People of Central Asia: prospects of development and problems of preservation (September 14–15, 2012, Kyzyl)
All-Russian Science and Practice Conference “Organizational and administrative innovations for ensuring economic growth of underdeveloped region” (September 20–21, 2012, Kyzyl) (M. K. Soyan)
How to achieve harmony in interethnic relations? (results of activities of the International School of young ethnosociologists) (E. A. Yerokhina)
2nd International Humanities Forum in Baku “21st century: Hopes and Challenges” (Yu.V. Popkov)
International Science and Practice Conference “Frontier territories: problems and prospects of development” (October 18–21, 2012) (D. F. Dabiyev, Yu. S. Ochur)
First attempt at writing
Okutan N. (Turkey) British Druidry and Turkic Shamanism in context of Pagan Religion
Tuvinology on the Internet
Peemot V. V. (Finland) Tuvan project of Finnish “Nomad Center”
We read, we cogitate
Ivanov A.V., Popkov Yu. V., Shishin M.Yu. Actual problems of Eurasianism
Kungaa M. B. A new digest of Tuvan tales in Tuvan language
Lamazhaa Ch. K. Tuva as a greatest mystery
In memoriam
In memoriam of a scientist and a teacher Svetlana Mongushevna Biche-ool
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