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14 May 2013

VI International Ethnomusical Symposium "Khoomei"

VI International Ethnomusical Symposium "Khoomei"The Internet competition (further - Competition) among Russian and foreign performers of throat-singing (Tuvan khoomei), 8-13 June, 2013 – within the VI International Ethnomusical Symposium "Khoomei"

Founders of the Competition:

- Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tyva;

- Center of development of the Tuvan traditional culture and crafts;

- International scientific center "Hoomey";

The Competition aims at increasing and strengthening of the prestige of the Tuvan throat singing in the Russian Federation and worldwide.

The Tasks of the present Competition are:

- promotion of the Tuvan traditional musical culture in the world ;

- public recognition of the personal contribution of fans and supporters from outside of Tuva performing different styles of Tuvan throat-singing to the development and promotion of the Tuvan culture;

- associating efforts and creating the network of the community of the performers of the Tuvan throat-singing which will also help further research of different aspects and conditions of Tuvan throat-singing performance in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Participants from the Russian Federation as well as from other foreign countries are invited to participate. The only criteria to participate in the Competition is to be able to perform throat-singing.

Terms and conditions of the Competition

• competitive execution (Performance) has to be no more than 5 minutes (accompanied with or without Tuvan musical instruments);

• use of phonogram is not allowed;

• use of the sound strengthening equipment is not allowed (microphones, etc.);


Competition is held in 2 stages:

• First stage: Please send your Application Form (the blank form is provided below) and a photo to the following e-mail address (ctyva@mail.ru) and place your video record (Performance) of the throat singing in a required format for PAAL system on the competition page on www.vimeo.com (Tuvan Khoomei In The World) until the deadline - 10 June 2013.

• Second (final) stage : 10-13 June, 2013 – Jury work, selection process and definition of winners and prize-winners;

Please note that all participants of the Competition will receive a Certificate of the Participant. The winner (1st place) and prize-winners (2nd and 3rd places) of the Competition will be awarded by Diplomas. The Competition Committee reserves the right to enter additional incentive prizes. The Competition Founders reserve the right to use video performances of the Applicants as archive materials, as well as in the promotion of the Tuvan Khoomei and Symposium, and for scientific researches purposes of the International Scientific Center “Khoomei”.

Contact address: ctyva@mail.ru

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