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19 January 2011

Tengrianism and an epic heritage of Eurasian people: sources and the present

Organizing committee

Tengrianism and an epic heritage of Eurasian people: sources and the presentGovernment of the Tyva Republic

Ministry of Education, a science and the youth policy of the Tyva Republic

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Tyva Republic

Tuvan Institute for Research in the HumanitiesThe Tyva State University

Tyva Republic National Museum by the name of Aldan Maadyr.



Dear colleagues! The organizing committee invites you to take part in III International scientifically-practical conference «Tengrianism and an epic heritage of Eurasian people: sources and the present» which will take place in Kyzyl, 1st July - 3rd July, 2011.

Following problems traditionally are supposed at conference discussion:

• Tengrianism and world outlook bases of the Turk-Mongolian people culture; 

• Dialogue of religious cultures of the people of the Central Asia and Siberia;

• Parallels of tengrianism and modern science: both natural and humanitarian.        

Application forms acceptance deadline - 1st February, 2011

Articles acceptance deadline - 1st April, 2011


The organizing committee address: 667000, Kyzyl, Kochetova street 4, the Tuva Institute of Humanitarian Researches of the Republic Tyva Government, Mizhit Lyudmila Salchakovna.

Ph. (8 394-22) 2-37-62; 2-39-36.

Fax (8 394-22 2-39-36.

e-mail: igi@tuva.ru


The application form

(In Russian and English languages, except passport data):

• surname, name, patronymic (completely)

• article name

• official name of a place of work

• post

• academic status and degree

• office address

• numbers of contact phones

• fax

• e-mail

• passport data (for placing in hotel): a series, number, given out (whom and when)


The foreign visitors needing the visa should send applications in advance.

The organizing committee has the right to decline the materials which are not corresponding to specified subjects or requirements on registration.

The expenses connected with journey and residing are at the expense of the directing party. The admission fee – 500 rbl. (on arrival).



Requirements of the article form:

The report text should be formed as a scientific article (volume - till 0,5 printed list; 20000 signs, including blanks). Text editor parameters – Word (***.doc); font Times New Roman, 14 size; fields: top and bottom – 2 sm, left – 3 sm, right – 1,5 sm; paragraph indentions – 1,25 sm, without carryings over; a line spacing – 1,5; alignment – on width.

Heading form: 1st line – the initials and a surname of the author (authors), 14 size, blackfaced, alignment by a right edge; 2nd line – blank; 3rd line – the report name, 14 size, capital, alignment on the centre; 4th line – blank.

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