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31 August 2013

IVth International scientific and practical conference "Tengrism and epic heritage of the Eurasian people: sources and present"

IVth International scientific and practical conference "Tengrism and epic heritage of the Eurasian people: sources and present"  International Fund of Tengri Research, International association of Mongol researchers, Academy of Mongolian tradition, Esh tenger sudlal (with assistance of the Ministry of Culture and spiritual development of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia) оn October 09-10, 2013 in Ulan Bator (Mongolia) it is being held the IVth International scientific and practical conference "Tengrism and epic heritage of the Eurasian people: sources and present".

This wandering conference which is traditionally carrying out every second year since 2007, gathers more and more participants from the different parts of the world. The conference materials are exposed on a web site http://tengrifund.ru/


Today it is possible to note that the new direction of the humanity as a tengri research has appeared.

On the edge of centuries, under conditions of the global challenges, difficult processes of designing of the interethnic, interfaith relations and growth of intensity between various cultural traditions, the search of the ways conducting to a consent and peaceful co-existence shows necessity of development of other research methods for attitude and religion of Eurasian people.

Studying of outlook and religion features of the Central Asian natives settled across all Eurasia, who have many typological and genetic similarity can become one of steps in this direction.


 Main directions of the conference:

1. Philosophical and world view problems of a tengrism

2. Religious idea of a tengrism

3. Tengrism as an ideology

4. Tengrism in aspect of development of the Euroasian civilization

5. Current and perspectives of tengri research

6. Collaborative development of a manual on a tengrism

7. Tengrian architecture and complexes of sacral constructions

8. Clothes and costumes of a tengrian tradition


By results of the conference work the collection of articles will be edited.

For participation in conference we ask to e-mail application forms containing data on the participant and the papers untill 25.09.2013 to the address: tengrikonferens@mail.ru, mongula@magicnet.mn, ludash315@yahoo.com


The organizing committee reserves the right of selection of papers. Working language of the conference are Mongolian, Russian, English. The conference provides a correspondence participation.

Travel, accommodation and a meal are at the expense of the directing party.


Requirements to an article registration: the total volume should be 5-7 pages of the typewritten text as an MS Word file (.doc/.docx/.rtf), the Times New Roman 14 pt.; line spacing – 1; alignment on width; paragraph space of 1 cm; orientation – book, the top and bottom field – 2,0, left – 3,0 and right 1.


Heading registration (capitalized, bold,centered) ARTICLE TITLE; on the next line (bold, italics, alignment on the right edge) – First name, last name completely; on the next line (italics, alignment on the right edge) – an E-mail for contacts; skipping 1 line – article text. Please make out references in the text on the relevant source in the Arab figures in square brackets, for example [1, p. 277]. Please do not use an automatic page links.


Working languages of conference: Mongolian, Russian and English.


Organizing committee




for participation in the conference "Tengrism and epic heritage of Eurasian people: sources and present"


Family name, given name

 Participation in presence/distance


Work place 


Position, chair

Scientific degree, academic status


Title of the paper


Home phone number


Mobile phone number





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