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21 April 2011

International Scientific-Practical Conference on «Modern Turcology: Development Trends and Current Challenges»

International Scientific-Practical Conference on «Modern Turcology: Development Trends and Current Challenges»Ministry of Education and Science of  Republic of Kazakhstan

Linguistics Institute named after A. Baitursynov

Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University

Cultural Fund of the Turkic peoples



Dear colleagues!

International Scientific-Practical Conference on «Modern Turcology: Development Trends and Current Challenges» has been scheduled for May 17-18, 2011 at the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, organized in honor of the 20 th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in memory of the 80th anniversary of the well-known scientist and turcologist, Doctor of philological science, Professor Abzhan Kuryshzhanuly.

Conference Sessions include:

  • General issues of Turcology
  • Runic scripts studies and history of Turkic languages   
  • Issues of Turkic terminology
  • History and culture relations of the Turkic people: issues of Anthropology and Ethnography
  • Succession of the elements of world linguistic layout in the old Turkic and modern Turcology 
  • Turcology teaching challenges and particular Turkic languages 
  • Current challenges of modern Turkic languages and Literature     

Kazakh, Russian and Turkish are working languages of the conference.

Registration starts on May 17, 2011 at 9 a.m. at Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University. Conference begins at 10 a.m.

Materials of the conference will be published as book of the articles.  To participate in the Conference you need to send brief data about yourself and short 2-5 sentences summary of the article prior to April 20. Short summaries of the articles are accepted in Kazakh, Russian, Turkish or English languages. Selected articles will be published as a book with hard cover. Moreover all articles will be published as a web book of materials of the conference.  All articles are accepted until April 25. Article publication fee is 3000 KZT for Kazakh authors; and USD50 for foreign authors.

Articles formatting requirements: volume shall not exceed 5 pages, in WORD, font size 14. Texts should be typed in TIMES NEW ROMAN font, file format RTF. Articles should be provided in both electronic and printed forms. Reference to the sources used shall be indicated in the articles through ordinal number (in square parentheses) and in complete name at the bottom of the article. The name of the article should be written in the center semi-bold type, in small letters (font size 14); full name of the author should be indicated below on the right side and in semi-bold font (font size 14), scientific name and degree, below in italic – the work place, city, country, (font size 12). Key words – not more than 5; page settings: top and bottom – 20 mm, left – 30 mm, right – 15 mm. Line spacing – 1,0.

Articles are accepted at:

050000 Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Gogol street, 114. Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, room # 320 

Contact person: Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, Kazakh language linguistics, Nurpeisova Gulnur (cellphone +7 7024880502, +7 7772511185), e-mail: gulnur_tulebaevna@mail.ru, kennur_3@yahoo.com


 of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Taxpayer Registration Number 600700169665, ИИК р/с KZ 498560000000012012 КБЕ 16, Bank code 719 БИК МФО KCJBKZKX АГФ at «Center Credit Bank» Almaty city, Aiteke bi str., 99. Tel/Fax +7 (727) 2331836, 2331835


Contact Telephone:                        Tel: +7 (727) 279 42 02  

                                                                  Fax: +7 (727) 2331836, 2331835   


Conference Participant Information:

Full name


Work place


Job title


Scientific degree




Name of the article


Address (country, city)


Higher educational institution, faculty






Short summary of 2 – 5 sentenses


Hotel accommodation (if needed)



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