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2 November 2012

Marat Tumat: “Keep putting one foot in front of the other”

Marat Tumat: “Keep putting one foot in front of the other”The Tuvan State Ensemble “Sayany” has opened its 44th concert season in new capacity. The quire received a new status of the independent structural subdivision of the Ministry of Culture.

Uran Tulush, the ex-deputy director of the philharmonic, became a Principle of the new entity; Ayan Mandan-Khorluu was appointed as a Principal Balletmaster; Marat Tumat from Saint Petersburg was invited to take up a position of an Art Director; and Mengilen Sat from Moscow – as a Producer-Balletmaster. Today, we are introducing you Marat Tumat, an Art Director of the “Sayany” Ensemble.

-Marat Alexandrovich, how did you find your way to ballet?

-I was a year 4 student at the Samagaltay School when a Balletmaster Vyacheslav Oktyabrovich Dongak stopped by in our classroom during the lesson. He said it was enrolment at the choreographic school being held. He examined every kid for his flexibility, leaps, turnouts and an ear for music. Only four children from Tuva were selected then and were sent for studying at the State Buryat Choreographic School. I had a privilege to be one of them.

It was very tough and unclear at the very start. A day in the school used to be very busy, the classes started at 9 am finishing at 6 pm. Living away from home and my parents didn’t add optimism too. In addition, I had entire C marks in my speciality class in the beginning.

Altynay Chimit, Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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31 October 2012

Tuvan shaman revolution

Tuvan shaman revolutionThe Famous Tuvan ethno-rock group, known beyond the bounds of Russia, Yat-Kha has given a concert at the World Music Festival, which took place at the site of the club EverJazz. Musicians performed songs from different albums, as well as few new songs. They started with throat singing — a leader of the group, guitarist and vocalist Albert Kuvezin owns this authentic art to perfection. However, pure ethnic on Sunday’s performance was a little. After the first composition they performed numbers more energetic. They sang some Russian songs, many songs in Tuvan, and a pair of tracks has been executed in English ("Yat-Kha" performed well as a couple of covers).

Albert Kuvezin, the group leader, ironically called quick and powerful songs "people's revolutionary songs. Strange thing — only three musicians (among Kuvezhin drummer Evgeny Tkachev and Sholban Mongush who plays on iguil were on stage) gave a powerful presentation full of energy, which other orchestras cannot do.  Magic or shamanism — it cannot be otherwise. "Yat-Kha" is really democratic — all three participants sing. And the player on iguil (Tuvan folk instrument resembling the sound of a violin or violoncello) Sholban Mongush performed as the main vocalist in several compositions.

Aleksey Blohin, Actualno. Translated by Ondar Saglay
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29 October 2012

Shaman of «Dungur» (Tambourine) consociation Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak held seminars in Austria

Shaman of  «Dungur» (Tambourine) consociation Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak held seminars in AustriaOne of the most popular Tuvan shamans in the West, member of «Dungur» (Tambourine) consociation Dugar-Surun Ochur-oolovich Oorzhak returned to the republic after series of seminars in the cities of Austria. He familiarized Europeans with the shamanic practices of Tuva. Dugar-Surun Oorzhak has participated in the two main events of Tuva. First, the International Symposium in 1993 as a joint initiative of the Finnish scientist Heimo Lappalainen and principal researcher of Tuvan shamanism Mongush Kenin-Lopsan.

Also he was one of the organizers of 2003 International Shamanism Forum in Tuva dedicated to tenth anniversary of the first International Symposium. During the forum a shamanistic ritual was held on the sacred mountain Haiyrakan. Foreign guests and representatives of most of different shamanistic consociations of Tuva took part in the ritual.

Dugar-Surun Oorzhak is one of shamans making attributes for rituals and producing skins for tambourine on their own. His shaman costume weighs 15 kilograms. People come to his hut to get an advice, help, well-being rituals, spiritual growth, and health improvement. Some legends and tales of the Tuvan people were written by Olard Dixon from Dugar-Surun Oorzhak, part of them were included into the book «By shamanic paths» (M., 2007).

According to "Tuva Online". Translated by Cheynesh Saryg-Dongak
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28 October 2012

Khertek Anchymaa-Toka commemoration evening was held in Kyzyl

Khertek Anchymaa-Toka commemoration evening was held in KyzylKhertek Amyrbitovna Anchymaa Toka commemoration evening arranged to coincide with her centennial anniversary was held at the National Museum of Tuva on October 26. Khertek Amyrbitovna was a Tuvan and Soviet statesperson, the first woman led the Supreme governing body of Tuva Malyi Khural. Relatives, colleagues, public figures, and politicians came to the meeting.

A close friend, a teammate and a colleague of Khertek Amyrbitovna Grigoriy Shirshin told he was always admiring her working capacity (hard working). He was consulting on all social and economic questions and was always getting an appropriate advice:

“Our joint business trips to Mongolia and to Novosibirsk have become the most unforgettable memories. Those were unforgettable days. Very few people remember that Khertek Amyrbitovna and I established the first amateur performances group in Kyzyl at school №3”

The niece of Khertek Amyrbitovna Chechek Arataa remembers her as a sympathetic and a very attentive person.

SibNovosti. Translated by Sailyk Oorzhak
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27 October 2012

Ten Tuvan children to study English at US Embassy expense

Ten Tuvan children to study English at US Embassy expenseLecturers of the Tuvan State University have won a grant for teaching English to children from large and low-income families.

The selection process took place in the main building of the University on October 20.

More than 20 children supported by their parents gathered in the University auditorium. Just before the examination, the project felicitator, the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Elena Baykalova asked parents to fill in the required papers for their children, to provide the certificates confirming their social standing and to indicate the phone numbers. The children who match all the criteria will have the opportunity for enhanced English language studying and for building leadership skills.

Elena Baykalova:

It is the second group of children. We won a grant last year as well; as a result, 10 children are studying English under this program. All of them are in the “Orlyonok” children’s camp now where they continue learning English

Sibnovosti - Noviy Vek. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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25 October 2012

Unique Tuvan culture under law protection

Unique Tuvan culture under law protectionGovernment of Tuva approved a project of a law concerning "About protection of intangible cultural heritage of Republic Tyva", according to which it is proposed to regulate the expression, conservation and utilization of the spiritual heritage transmitted from generation to generation, and demonstrating the cultural variety of peoples of Republic Tyva. The remarkable Tuvan throat-singing, stone carving art, ancient traditions and rituals, including unique traditions of Russian culture, which have been conserved on the territory of the republic, folklore, national holidays - everything that is so remarkable and attractive about Tuva, will be included among the objects of intangible cultural heritage, and will be protected by law.

The project of this law, developed by Tuvan Ministry of culture, establishes the basic concepts of protection of cultural heritage, defines the types of objects of intangible heritage, ways of their application, defines the right of the citizens for access to and use of the intangible cultural heritage, and the right to express their cultural identity.

Government of Tuva. Translated by Heda Jindrak, Tuvaonline.
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25 October 2012

Olcha Dongak - the keeper of Kyzyl yurt-museum: Our ancestors lived to the age of 100 years

Olcha Dongak - the keeper of Kyzyl yurt-museum: Our ancestors lived to the age of 100 yearsThe yurt-museum is located not far from national Museum in Kyzyl; it complements the cultural treasure-house of original expositions, immersing the visitors in the daily life of Tuvans. - What is the main difference between a yurt and other types of dwellings? O.D.: A yurt is, first of all, a typical nomadic dwelling. That is why it is easy to take it apart and transport it, then reassemble it again in two hours at the most, depending on the size of the yurt. The yurt and its interior furnishings are made from light materials by hand, in conditions of home craft production, and everything is adapted for nomadic way of life. The rugs are traditionally made from white sheep wool, and decorated with colored embroidery. Chests and headboards of beds are also decorated with embroidery. The chests always come in pairs in Tuva - two, four, six, eight… - The chests always stand opposite the yurt entrance, but to whom do they belong? O.D.: Those on the right belong to the lady of the household and the children, those on the left belong to the master of the household. The master sits closer to the door, he protects the living space and watches the livestock.
Maxim Kochetkov, Velikaya Epokha. Translated by Heda Jindrak, Tuvaonline
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24 October 2012

TV story about the American Sean Quirk who lives in the Republic of Tuva brought victory to the director Vladimir Kopush in the creative contest

TV story about the American Sean Quirk who lives in the Republic of Tuva brought victory to the director Vladimir Kopush in the creative contestA film of a Tuvan director Vladimir Kopush "Kushkash-ool (Bird-boy) "(2011) has won at the Russian media competition “Patriot of Russia – 2012” in the television category. The film is about a Tuvan American musician Sean Quirk. Eight years ago he was a student at the College of Music in Chicago and heard for the first time a record of “Huun-Huur-Tu”, a world-famous Tuvan group of throat singing performers. And Sean Quirk's life has totally changed. He left for a distant and unknown place, the Republic of Tuva.

Now, he is a soloist at the National Orchestra of Tuva, Honoured Artist of the Republic. Recently in the capital of Republic, Kyzyl, he has given his solo-concert which was very successful. The story of Sean Quirk told by himself, by his teacher Valentina Suzukey and by his new friends will help viewers understand why here, on the other side of the planet, a young American found his second home. The award ceremony of the contest will take place in Voronezh on 26-27 October 2012.

Translated by Saglay Ondar
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23 October 2012

Sean Quirk Concert Was a Great Success in Kyzyl

Sean Quirk Concert Was a Great Success in KyzylThe first Sean Quirk’s solo concert was held in the Folk Arts House in Kyzyl on October 19. Sean Quirk is the Honoured Artist of Tuva, the soloist of the Tuvan National Orchestra, an American by birth, but a Tuvan by calling. His family, friends, and colleagues came to support the musician. There were so many the Honored and the People’s artists performing on one stage that it felt over-the-top: Alash Folk Ensemble, People’s Khoomeizhys of Tuva Andrey Mongush, Igor Koshkendey, Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, Kongar-ool Ondar.

Back in 2003, 25-year old American from Milwaukee city, WI heard the throat singing on the CD given by chance by one of his friends. It was khoomey sung by the Huun-Huur-Tu Ensemble, which amazed Sean so deeply that he fell in love with the unusual sounds of Tuvan musicians.

The secret of “how are they signing it” was haunting his mind. He started trying to copy the sounds, but had no luck. Then Sean takes risks and decides to go to Tuva with the main object to perceive throat singing.

SibNovosti. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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21 October 2012

Philologists Work on Teaching Tuvan Language Issues in Mongolia

Philologists Work on Teaching Tuvan Language Issues in MongoliaThe Candidates of Philological Sciences, Professor Mira Bavuu-Syuryun and a Senior Lecturer of the Tuvan Philology and General Linguistics department of the TSU Aelita Salchak as well as Khiys Gansukh, a member of the Education Institute of Mongolian Ministry of Science and Education, have been going on an expedition to Mongolia from 13-27 September 2012. The scientists visited Bayan-Olgii, Khovd, Central aimags (provinces), and the capital of the country. The philologists have been addressing the problems associated with native (Tuvan) language study in the conditions of multilingualism since 2011.

The issue of teaching Tuvan language and the related problems of developing thinking skills and socialization of Tuvan children living in Northwestern Mongolia require immediate solution.

Learning in non-native tongue in primary schools is a barrier not only for language and thinking skills development but also for the whole process of getting education.

There are Tuvans and Kazakhs living in Tsengel Bayan-Olgii province of Mongolia, and only 20% of population make ethnic Tuvans, so they form a national minority socializing in Mongolian and Kazakh languages.

Mira Bavuu-Syuryun, Aelita Salchak. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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12 October 2012

IATS XIII Announcement

IATS XIII AnnouncementThe Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) in association with the Mongolian National University is very honoured to host the 13th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) in Ulaanbaatar from Sunday 21st July to Saturday 27th July 2013. The joint convenors will be Dr S. Chuluun (Institute of History, MAS), Dr U. Bulag (University of Cambridge), and Dr Ulrike Roesler (University of Oxford). It is with great pleasure that we now extend this invitation for proposals for papers and panels.

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8 October 2012

Academy of Practical Ethnopsychology to Open in Tuvan State University

Academy of Practical Ethnopsychology to Open in Tuvan State UniversityThe Academy of Practical Ethnopsychology is to open in the Tuvan State University on 9 October 2012. The Academy will consist of the different psychology schools of the University:

the young fathers’ school with its aim to help young men to understand their huge role in parenting; the Aistyonok school with maternity education for young women; the school of beauty, design and art which is directed to unlock students’ creativity; the school of ethnopsychology that will teach the basics of ethnic culture and psychotherapy.

All of the schools are based on the Mederel, the Center of practical psychology and etiquette, and the Health center of the Tuvan University.

The students’ art exhibition will be available at the Academy’s opening ceremony showing different pieces of art and ideas.

Tuvan State University. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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3 October 2012

“To The Highest Mountain Peaks of Alaska, Australia, and Europe” New Book in Tuvan Language Released

“To The Highest Mountain Peaks of Alaska, Australia, and Europe” New Book in Tuvan Language ReleasedTo the Highest Mountain Peaks of Alaska, Australia, and Europeis a recently published book in Tuvan language written by one of the leading novelists in the republic Maadyr-ool Khovalyg.

It is the second author’s book of the Travelling series telling about the expeditions of the Tuvan mountaineers to the highest mountain peaks of the regions. The first book Tuvans on the peaks of the world was published in 2010 and was sold out within three months.

The new book contains three chapters:

“McKinley the Threatening Mountain of Alaska Natives” which is about climbing to the top of the highest point in the North America;

“Go, Beautiful Australia!” is dedicated to the travelling around Australia and mount Kosciuszko expedition;

“The Highest Mountain Peak of Europe, Mt Elbrus is beneath us” is the third chapter and narrates about climbing Elbrus.

The book contains a great deal of interesting information, for example:

Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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24 September 2012

The First Touristic Map of Tuva Released

The First Touristic Map of Tuva ReleasedThe first map of Tuva showing all the known touristic attractions has been released. The map indicates the locations of wildlife sanctuaries, cultural sites, the most popular routs, tracks, mineral springs (arzhaans), fishing, hunting, rafting spots etc. It also demonstrates the infrastructure of the region, including residential areas, roads, tourist camps, motels, cafes, petrol stations. The backside of the map contains pictures and materials of Tuva. The map was presented as part of the opening of the inter-regional fair “Community: Tuva-Khakasia-Krasnoyask krai”. There are only 2000 copies printed, but in the long term, the number is to be increased as well as the online version is to be available. The map indicates more than 40 touristic attractions of the republic, and, as explained by the head of the Tourism Department Kandemir Mongush, it has been based on the recent government supported project “Tos-Ertine” or “Nine Treasures of Tuva”.

Press-service of Tuva. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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20 September 2012

Dersu Uzala the Great Artist Exhibition at National Museum of Tuva

Dersu Uzala the Great Artist Exhibition at National Museum of TuvaDersu Uzala the Great Artist Exhibition at National Museum of TuvaThe copy of the Oscar statuette is right in the middle of the museum hall. In 1976, the movie of Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosava Dersu Uzala was awarded the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. The Tuvan actor, Maksim Munzuk played the title role of the hunter, the native of the Ussuri taiga, having created a charming character of an openhearted and a simple man.

According to the senior research fellow of the arts and humanities department Lyubov Shoyduk, the unique items, recently given to the museum by the actor’s daughters, form the basis of the exhibition. Personal documents, the Oscar-winning film photographs, movie posters of the actor’s films and many other items are presented at the museum.

Lyubov Shuluevna Shoyduk remembers Maksim Monguzhukovich very well: while being a radio journalist she would repeatedly interview the actor.

Elena Chadamba, Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool
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