One of the most popular Tuvan shamans in the West, member of «Dungur» (Tambourine) consociation Dugar-Surun Ochur-oolovich Oorzhak returned to the republic after series of seminars in the cities of Austria. He familiarized Europeans with the shamanic practices of Tuva. Dugar-Surun Oorzhak has participated in the two main events of Tuva. First, the International Symposium in 1993 as a joint initiative of the Finnish scientist Heimo Lappalainen and principal researcher of Tuvan shamanism Mongush Kenin-Lopsan.
Also he was one of the organizers of 2003 International Shamanism Forum in Tuva dedicated to tenth anniversary of the first International Symposium. During the forum a shamanistic ritual was held on the sacred mountain Haiyrakan. Foreign guests and representatives of most of different shamanistic consociations of Tuva took part in the ritual.
Dugar-Surun Oorzhak is one of shamans making attributes for rituals and producing skins for tambourine on their own. His shaman costume weighs 15 kilograms. People come to his hut to get an advice, help, well-being rituals, spiritual growth, and health improvement. Some legends and tales of the Tuvan people were written by Olard Dixon from Dugar-Surun Oorzhak, part of them were included into the book «By shamanic paths» (M., 2007).
As a practicing shaman Dugar-Surun Ochur-oolovich Oorzhak often visits Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and the Czech Republic since 2007. He is invited more by married couples who dream about a child. Children are born after his shamanic rites. Dozens of kids born thanks to Dugar-Surun Oorzhak help live not only in Tuva, but also in Europe.