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26 September 2017

Special issue “The problems of teaching Tuvan language to native and non-native speakers in Tuva and beyond”

Journal Editor

Special issue “The problems of teaching Tuvan language to native and non-native speakers in Tuva and beyond”Dear colleagues!


We are delighted to invite you to participate in the special issue of "The New Research of Tuva” journal #1 of 2018 (to be released in March 2018). The issue will be dedicated to "The problems of teaching Tuvan language to native and non-native speakers in Tuva and beyond”. Candidate of Pedagogy Margarita B. Kungaa (Tuvan Institute for the Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Studies) will guest edit the issue.

Tuvan language is a part of Sayan group of Turkic languages and is a mother-tongue for aborigines of Tuva – Tuvans, counting more than 300 thousand people worldwide and 250 thousand – in the republic. Lingual policies of Tuva are based on strategy of keeping and cementing the balanced Tuvan-Russian and Russian-Tuvan bilingualism. Tuvan language is being taught in schools and other educational institutions of Tuva, widely used in culture, media, etc.

The Tuvan language is a historico-cultural legacy and heritage not only of Tuvan people, but of entire Turkic and Mongol world. That is the reason why people (not only of Tuvan origin) are interested in learning it far beyond Tuva. Teaching Tuvan to native speakers and teaching Tuvan as a foreign language to non-native speakers is accompanied by number of problems and actual issues to be investigated by the scientists.

We are encouraging to share opinions on theoretical and practical issues not only philologists and pedagogues, but also historians, culturologists, anthropologists, etc.

Specialists who have dealt with such problems in Mongolia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Yakutia, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Khakassia, Altai and other regions of Central Asia and Sayan-Altai region are very warm welcome to discussion.

Proposed list of topics for the issue:

— Matters of implementing the state programs of the Republic of Tuva on developing the Tuvan language;

— Features of teaching the Tuvan language in educational institutions of Tuva (secondary school, higher education);

— New technologies, pedagogical practices, educational tools for teaching Tuvan language in Tuva and beyond;

— Peculiarities of teaching Tuvan language to non-native speakers;

— Tuvan language in Tuva and beyond: comparative analysis;

— Tuvan language and contemporary youth of Tuva;

— Interest to learning Tuvan language abroad, etc.


To participate in the special issue, you are kindly asked to send the abstract of your paper to be approved by the editor and guest editor to article@tuva.asia.

Each paper should not exceed 40000 characters (incl. spaces) in Russian or English and submitted not later than January 15, 2018. You can attach images in JPG format, audio and video files to your paper. All ancillaries should have description: author, date of creation (record), location. Getting authors’ authorization for using all additional materials is mandatory.

Beside the indicated topic we continue accepting articles on topical priorities of the journal, including sections "Scientific life”, "We read, we cogitate (abstracts and reviews)”.

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