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27 December 2010

And more about arzhaans of Tuva

And more about arzhaans of TuvaUsually people start thinking about arzhaans closer to July, around the time when they "ripen". But we have several reasons to talk about healing springs in December. First, our ancerstors would start preparations for  a trip to an arzhaan six months ahead of time, to get ready, and think everything out in great detail. Second, the project "Nine Treasures of Tuva" is coming to a close, and we would very much like arzhaans to be among the treasures. And the main reason is that after a political period in her life, Kara-Kys Arakchaa, a scientist-chemist, an author of  the popular brochure "Story of the Arzhaans of Tuva" and a delegate  to the State Duma, returned to Tuva.

Marina Chanzan, Plyus Inform. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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19 December 2010

Buryatia: In the depths of Siberian Runes

Buryatia: In the depths of Siberian RunesBuryatia is located on the Russian border, next to Mongolia. The history of  our region is for that reason densely interwoven with that of other nations, cultures, and languages.

Buryats and Mongols used to have the same Old Mongolian script. Its old cursive can be seen to this day on various souvenirs as an ornament.

Just like the other languages of other peoples of the USSR which did not have their own writing system, the Buryat language was systematized in 1931 into Latin alphabet, and in 1937 into the basis of Russian alphabet. But the Buryat nation was not illiterate. Old Mongolian script was not used only for religious purposes, but in secular activities of the Buryats in the steppe Dumas as well. These organs of Buryat self-rule were established according to “Constitution about ruling other nations” in 1822. The Taishi  ruled the Buryats under the control of East Siberian administration. The Czarist authorities liquidated the Steppe Dumas even before the revolution. The documents from the Dumas are kept in the National Archive of Buryatia. They are written in beautiful Mongolian cursive.

Inform polis online. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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18 December 2010

Mongolia will be celebration 2200 years from founding of Xiongnu Empire

Mongolia will be celebration 2200 years from founding of Xiongnu EmpireIn 2011, Mongolia will observe 2200 years from the founding of the Xiongnu (Hsiung-nu) Empire.

National committee  for organizing this historical event is to be headed by the minister of education, E. Otgonbayar.

The government believes that the celebration of this date will graphically show how the Mongols were the first among the nomads to create their own state, which conducted relationships with neighboring advanced civilizations on equal basis; it will strengthen the Mongols’ pride in their native country and will bring significant contribution to the formation of patriotism.

To present understanding the Empire of the Xiongnu was a multi-national state, which means that this date should be celebrated together with countries of Asia and Europe, which should give us a wonderful opportunity to propagate the history and culture of nomads.

Researchers proved that the Great Mongol State of 13th Century  inherited and followed all the elements of state structure of  Xiongnu

IA Montsame. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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17 December 2010

The Deep Roots Of Nepotism In Central Asia

The Deep Roots Of Nepotism In Central Asia All five post-Soviet Central Asian states are characterized by rampant nepotism, which has arguably become the main obstacle hampering their economic and political development. Kyrgyzstan's two post-Soviet leaders -- Askar Akaev and Kurmanbek Bakiev -- were both undone by the favoritism they showed their children and close relatives, a lesson that should not be lost on the heads of Kyrgyzstan's neighbors. Bakiev, who was ousted as president in April, appointed his son and brothers to high state positions. His son, Maksim, and his brother, Janysh, in fact, became some of the most influential political figures in the country. Leading opposition figure Azimbek Beknazarov went so far in 2007 as to say that Janysh and Maksim were actually running Kyrgyzstan. While politician Omurbek Tekebaev said Kyrgyzstan had established a system of medieval nepotism in which power is distributed solely on the basis of consanguinity.
Cholpon Orozobekova, http://www.rferl.org
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15 December 2010

85 years since the birth of the first woman-stone carver of Tuva, Raisa Arakchaa

85 years since the birth of the first woman-stone carver of Tuva, Raisa ArakchaaOn December 10, the first woman-stone carver of tyva,  a Laureate of  I. E. Repin Government Prize of RSFSR, Merited artist of Tuvan ASSR, Raisa  Azhievna Arakchaa, (1952-1990) would have turned 85 years. A gifted carved of wood and stone, she brought a significant contribution to the development of contemporary Tuvan stone sculpture art.  Her multifaceted  creative activities are noted in S. I. Vainshtein’s work “History of folk arts of Tuva”, and in C. M. Chervonnaya’s “Artists of Republic Tyva”. Raisa Azhievna Arakchaa was born on December 10 1925 in village Kara-Tal of Ulug-Khem kozhuun of TNR in an arat-herder family.  As a child, under the influence of her mother and uncle, she learned to make various artifacts and toys of bark and wood. At the end of the 40’s, she got married, worked in Todzha and Ulug-Khem districts, and from 1961 in Kyzyl. This is where, under the guidance of Khertek Toibukhaa,   her  life of art began; it was a new beginning for the modest worker from a milk store.

Translated by Heda Jindrak
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11 December 2010

Children of the White Mother Wolf

Children of the White Mother Wolf The production of four documentary films from a cycle “Turks of Russia”, about the people of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Tuva and Khakassia was finalized on the cinema studio “Mir”.

Users of the portal of Russian Geographic Society can be the first ones to see the films. The films explain what the Hungarian “Khurultai” and Tatar “sabantui” have in common, why almost every Bashkir family has members of unusual longevity, and what the expression “his wolf is howling”  means to a descendant of the Turks… “…And the wolf saved the warriors, and gave them his own strength and a new name; and the warriors worshipped him, and went on marches, and conquered many nations, and called all of them by the same name.  And time passed, and the great warriors disappeared. But the name was preserved: and even today those nations are called Turks”.

Russian Geographic Society (RGO). Translated by Heda Jindrak
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2 December 2010

New Issue of Electronic Scientific Magazine “The New Research of Tuva” — No 4 2010 — Is Published

New Issue of Electronic Scientific Magazine “The New Research of Tuva” — No 4 2010 — Is PublishedIn the issue one can read a topical analytical article on what we should mean by “Tuvan studies” as a whole. Several articles — spick-and-span new — were written in accordance with the findings in the results of sociological studies that had been conducted by fellows of the Tuvan Institute for Research in the Humanities under the Government of the Republic of Tyva and the Tuvan Institute for Complex Natural Resources Development of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There are four new authors of the magazine who work at the latter institute. The readers may find out about some Tuvan scholars’ investigations on the economic culture of the population of Tuva, social dispositions today, and condition of the Tuvan language and Tuvan book publishing. There are also some interesting works on contemporary funeral rituals of the inhabitants of the Republic, problems of studies on musical culture of nomadic nations. The issue is full of different kinds of information: reviews of large-size scientific Russian forums, presentations, and significant events. The size of the pdf version of the issue is 390 pages.

Chimiza Lamazhaa
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2 December 2010

Eternal Song of the Universe (Memories of Ai-Churek)

Eternal Song of the Universe (Memories of Ai-Churek)The most illustrious shamaness Ai-Churek has left us, departed for another world…

The life of a shaman is an endless struggle. Shamans, just like fighters in the ring are always in a fighting frame of mind in their spirit, but in contrast to athletes, who fight only in the ring, the Shamans Fight for Life and Strong Blood, and their Fight lasts their Whole Life on Earth and Afterwards…

The Tuvans say that the gods take those whom they especially like to themselves…

That is probably why shamans’ lives are not long and not many of them live until old age.

But their short lives in this world are filled with stormy events and powerful encounters with terrible spirits, and every ceremony of kamlanie is in its way a duel with spirits invisible to the eyes of ordinary people.

Sainkhoo Namchylak. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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2 December 2010

Scientists about Tuvan Charash-Tash

Scientists about Tuvan Charash-TashIn 2010 in Tuva, in connection with the year of Tourism, an action to determine the “Nine Treasures” of Tuva is in process.  Tuvan “Charash-Tash” was nominated as one of the candidates for this title - a flat, roundish stone, which, according to local people grows out of the earth somewhere in the vicinity of Upper Shui in South-West Tuva. Many local legends are associated with “Charash-Tash; it is believed that a visit to this place brings luck. In August of 2010, the Ubsunur International Center, Senior scientific worker Tatiana Prudnikova, and  workers of V.V. Dokuchayev Soil institute, G. Chernousenko and D. Rukhovich, performed a scientific research expedition to the south-west part of Khemchik valley at Upper Shui, to study the “Charash-Tash and to determine its nature.

Tatiana Prudnikova. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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2 December 2010

Dina Oyun will bear government responsibility for electronic Tuva

Dina Oyun will bear government responsibility for electronic TuvaThe head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool announced the appointment of a new vice-premier of the government in the matters of development of informational communications. The adviser to the head of the region, editor-in-chief of IA “Tuvaonline” Dina Oyun will be appointed to this office; she will take up the task of realization of the program of adoption of “electronic government” in the republic, as well as of matters of development of informational politics. The head of the region Sholban Kara-ool emphasized that the task of developing an informational society, set by President of Russia, is becoming more relevant every day.

“”To establish “electronic government” in Tuva is not a simple task, - noted the Premier. - But we are obligated to realize this program and to secure easy access to information for our citizens; it is one of the most significant attributes of democratic development of the society.”

Info from press-service of Government of RT. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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2 December 2010

One of the strongest Tuvan shamanesses has died

One of the strongest Tuvan shamanesses has diedOn November 21, one of the strongest Tuvan shamanesses, Ai-Churek (Moon Heart) passed away in Kyzyl; she was the head of organization of Tuvan shamans “Tos Deer” (Nine Heavens). In the words of one of the members of association “Dungur” (Drum), “Ai-Churek was called by the spirits.” in her opinion, that is also the cause of death. Officially  physicians determined the cause of death as a heart attack. Special funeral ritual is planned fro November 26. “The strongest shamans will gather and perform a mystery”,  as  “Dungur” announced.

Ai-Churek Shiizhekovna Oyun was born on august 15 1963 near river Tes in  “Tos Bazyryk” (nine kurgans), at the foot of Mt. Ak-Bedik. Shamanic roots can be traced in both her paternal and maternal lineages.

Tuvaonline. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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29 November 2010

Tuvan Center for Mongolian Studies Was Opened in Kyzyl

Tuvan Center for Mongolian Studies Was Opened in Kyzyl On November 26, 2010 Tuvan Center for Mongolian Studies at the Tuvan Institute for Research in the Humanities under the Government of the Republic of Tyva was opened. Among the guests of honor at the event there was the Consul General of Mongolia in Kyzyl in the Russian Federation Mr. Dashbalbar Bazarsad. Director of the TIRH Bicheldey Kaadyr-ool introduced aims and goals of the center and its short-range plans. Research and scientific events will be conducted within the framework of the formerly signed agreements with the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and other scientific institutions of Mongolia. The Tuvan Institute for Research in the Humanities, Tuvan State University, and Aldyn Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tyva create the scientific basis of the center. It was also announced at the presentation that they are planning to hold the III International Conference “Tengriism and Epic Heritage of the Nations of Eurasia” in Kyzyl from July 1 till 3 July, 2011.

Marianna Kharunova
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27 November 2010

The XXII Issue of “The Scientific Notes of Tuvan Institute for Research in the Humanities” Has Come Off the Press

The XXII Issue of “The Scientific Notes of Tuvan Institute for Research in the Humanities” Has Come Off the Press“The Scientific Notes. The XXII Issue” of Tuvan Institute for Research in the Humanities under the Government of the Republic of Tuva was added into the list of new publications on Tuvan studies. The first article is by the director of the institute Bicheldey Kaadyr-ool. It covers the prospects of research in the field of the humanities in Tuva. In the first section of the issue there are proceedings of the republican conference that was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Tuva’s affiliation to the USSR. The second section of “The Scientific Notes” considers new studies in the context of archeology and history. Some aspects of ethnological and culturological research of contemporary Tuvan studies are presented.

Marianna Kharunova
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23 November 2010

Huun Huur Tu: Ancestors Call

Huun Huur Tu: Ancestors Call"MY HERD roaming on the hill – is it there? Are you words joking or serious, my love? I don't understand." This group may now be global superstars, but the way they open their new CD couldn't be more sweetly authentic. The soloist delivers a simple melody while the rest of the group provide a soft drone – it's a couple of minutes before we get a hint of the throat-singing which is their trademark sound. The second track plunges us into their infectiously warm instrumentalism – low plucked sounds plus a drum – while the throat-singing drops an octave. Some of the songs – for example The Orphan's Lament – have a gorgeous backing of smoothly-bowed strings. The rhythms are all horseback stuff – trotting, cantering, galloping – as befits the land which inspires this music, once the Soviet republic of Tuva, now the Tuva Republic within the Russian Federation and still the home of nomads for whom mountains, rivers, and trees all have their own spirits, and who all mystically "sing".
Michael Church, http://news.scotsman.com
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15 November 2010

Kongar-ool Ondar. He took the hit-parades by the throat

Kongar-ool Ondar. He took the hit-parades by the throatIn Krasnoyarsk, the master of throat-singing performs in small halls. But in the USA, his album “Back Tuva Future” got to be among the 10 best, according to “New York Post”, together with John Lennon’s disc.

-  I have traveled throughout the world with concerts, and I have not been only to Australia and Africa.  I can tell you that definitely it is much more complicated to organize a concert in Russia than abroad. The tastes of our young people have been conquered by pop. Of course, that is not our weight category - we work only for real aficionados of national culture, and there are very few of those in Russia. The new generation is losing interest in its own culture - that is a dangerous tendency. But the authorities so far do not want to understand it.

Aif na Enisee. Translated by Heda Jindrak
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