A grouse, singing in sunlight, a black bear, trophies won at international exhibitions, diplomas, petroglyphs, showing the most ancient human occupation – you can see all that at the exhibition of hunting trophies, which opened at the National museum on September 16. This date was not selected at random; on the eve of the republican holiday of animal herdsmen, hunting trophies can show like nothing else how the herdsmen live here in the old ways just like many centuries ago. At the opening, the Chairman of the Government of Republic Tyva, Sholban Kara-ool, said: “Today we have the opportunity to see what hunting means to the people of international Tuva. We are proud of our endless expanse of space, that we have almost 16 thousand hectares of hunting areas. This means that we have a wide scope to occupy ourselves, together with many other activities, with this truly manly sport. Today, at this exhibition, multiple winners of competitions of Russia are present, which are held among those who own many hunting trophies. This fact yet again confirms not just our resources, but it also bears witness to the attractiveness of Tuva as a region which has a tremendous tourist potential.
Tuvpravda.ru. Translated by Heda Jindrak