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28 January 2014

Olga Khomushku Elected as a Chancellor of the Tuvan State University

The Tuvan State University. Translation Emina Kyzyl-ool, Luke Inglis

Olga Khomushku Elected as a Chancellor of the Tuvan State UniversityThe Tuvan State University has elected a new Chancellor via ballot on the 23rd of January 2014, during the Chancellors Election Conference of the University of Tuva. 129 out of 151 delegates voted for the Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Pro-Chancellor of Science and International Relations, Olga Matpaevna Khomushku. The second candidate, Boris Kombuy-ool Kara-Sal, Doctor of Technical Science, Chairman of Industrial and Civil Construction, received 21 votes. The current Chairman of the University, Sergey Oktyaevich Ondar, Doctor of Science (Biology), will finish his term of appointment on the 24th of February 2014. 

Olga Khomushku is a member of editorial board of our magazine, so it is even more exciting for us to hear the news. Our heartiest congratulations to Olga Matpaevna!

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