The Tuvan State University has received the second international grant for “Development and Implementation of Master’s Program in the food safety, food industry and traditional food products distribution in Russia and Kazakhstan (TradPro)”. During the European Union’s program “Tempus IV” this project was supported as a result of the international contest.
937 variants of projects were received in a whole from both Russian and European universities, and 171 among them were approved and will be funded. The project is run by the Universities’ Consortium that include French universities (SupAgro, Montpellier; Agrocampus Ouest), Italian universities (The University of Milan, Pisa University), Swedish universities (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Kazakhstan universities (Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Kazakh State Agrotechnical University named after S.Seyfullin, Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraygyrov , Russia (Tyvan State University, Kalmyk State University, Buryat State Agricultural Academy named after V.Fillipov, Kuban State Agricultural University). Private business companies of Russia and Kazakhstan will support the project’s realization.
During the project professors of associate universities from Russia and Kazakhstan will be trained in food products safety in the co-universities of the European Union.
They will elaborate educational modules that will be focused on the safety of food products prepared according to traditional technologies.
Centers of professional training will be created in Tyva, Kalmykia, Buryatia, and Kazakhstan that will offer courses for qualification development for specialists in the area of food products safety technologies. The results of the project will be very important not only for Tuvan State University but also for the whole Republic.
The project is planned for 3 years, and 1 million Euro will be given for the realization of the project from the EU foundation. The Tuvan State University will be the Russian coordinator of the project. This victory is the next outstanding success of the Tuvan State University’s professors and staff: Dorju Ch. M , candidate degree in biology, B.Donakhau, Ph.D., Head of International Relations Department Dovuu S.S., Greer V., Professors of Agricultural Faculty Oyun A.B. and others under the direction of Khomushku O.M., Prorector of Science and International relations of the Tuvan State University.