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16 December 2011

Tuvan shamans speaking in German

Marina Kenin-Lopsan. Translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan shamans speaking in GermanLast Saturday, on 10 December, representatives of Foundation for Shamanic Studies in Europe, Roswitha and Paul Uccusic and translator Isolda Schmitt, arrived to the center of Asia. Even though it is the second time in Tuva for Isolda, it is the sixth time for the Uccusic spouses! True, this is the first time that they made the difficult journey from Vienna to Kyzyl in winter.


The program for their visit is very saturated: to see their old friends, to visit with shamans, educators, and students. But the main thing is to tell about Mongush Kenin-Lopsan's book "Myths of Tuvan shamans", which was just published in German language thanks to involvement of these guests of the republic.


The presentation of this unique publication took place on 12 December, in the conference hall of National Museum of RT. Director of international scientific center "Khoomei", Doctor of Arts Zoya Kyrgys, vice-minister of culture Maryatta Badyrgy, Tuvan national writer Cherlig-ool Kuular, scientific staff of the National Museum Rita Sumba, candidate of arts Tamara Budegechieva, and, of course, the "culprits"  of the meeting, Paul Uccusic and Doctor of history Mongush Kenin-Lopsan had  interesting presentations.

The spiritual leader of the seminar was Doctor of Philosophy Olga Khomushku. She, together with the first pro-rector of  Tuvan State University Lyubov Tas-ool, formally presented documents about the award of  the title of Honorary professor of TGU to Mongush Borakhovich.


It was very interesting and edifying fort he whole auditorium. Today, the guests continue their visiting rounds in Tuva. We will tell you about them soon.

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