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26 April 2011

A collection of Zoya Samdan's of articles "Keepers of spiritual culture" was published

A collection of Zoya Samdan's  of articles "Keepers of spiritual culture" was publishedA new popular science publication  of Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian Studies (TIGI)

"Keepers of Spiritual culture", a collection of  articles by a candidate of philological sciences,  the chief scientific worker of the folklore section Zoya Samdan. The book has been published with the support of the Ministry of  education and studied of Republic Tyva. The chief editor is Doctor of philology K. A. Bicheldei, and the reviewer is Doctor of historical sciences M. B. Kenin-Lopsan.

The author offers a collection of articles to the readers' attention concerning the life and art of  the carriers and keepers of Tuvan spiritual culture - S. A. Saryg-ool, M. B. Kenin-Lopsan, A. K. Kalzan, Yu. L. Aranchyn, and O. K. Daryma, as well as of many experts in Tuvan folklore.

These portraits and thoughts on the ways of the preservation and development of  Tuvan spiritual culture were written during the past decade and published in various collections, journals and periodicals of the republic. They are presented without changes in this publication.

The book should be of interest to teachers,  and workers in education, culture and science, as well as to the wide public of readers.

Edition of 250 specimens. Printed at K.Ts.O. typography "Anyiak".

For more detailed information contact Tuvan Institute of Humanities at: Kyzyl, ul. Kochetova, d.4.

e-mail: tigiizdat@mail.ru

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