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29 January 2011

Research of Tuvan myths, legends and tales has been published

TIGI. Translated by Heda Jindrak

Research of  Tuvan myths, legends and tales  has been publishedA new publication by Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian research of Government of Republic Tyva  "Tuvan Myths, Legends and Tales" of  a 60-volume bilingual academic series "Pamyatniki folklora narodov Sibiri a Dalneho vostoka" (Volume 28) with a compact disc (Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2010) has now been released.

The series was founded by a member-correspondent of Russian Academy of Sciences A. B. Soktoyev.

The participants in the preparation of this volume were Institute of Philology SO RAN and Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian Research of Government of Republic Tyva. The editing, and preparation of the texts, notes, commentaries and index by N.A. Alexeyev, D.C. Kuular, Z.B. Samdan, Z.M. Yusha.

Editors: D.A. Mongush (Tuvan text), Y.V. Limorenko, S. P. Rozhnova, with A.A. Grinevich, E.L. Tiron (Compact disc).

The volume is the first academic bilingual publication of non-fairy-tale Tuvan prose. The first part includes the following myths: cosmogonic, about the creation of the world, etiological, toponymical and genealogical, about supernatural residents of the Middle and  Lower worlds, as well as mythological stories about shamans,  folk healers and blacksmiths. The second part includes toponymical legends, tales about historical personalities, about fighters for freedom for Tuvans, and extraordinary strong men and runners.

The prologue explains the specifics and genre types of non-fairy-tale Tuvan prose, and the history of its collection and study.

The accompanying compact disc has samples of the myths, legends and tales - the first audio-publication of Tuvan non-fairy-tale prose.

The book is designed for folklorists, ethnographers, regional lore specialists, and all those who are interested in the traditional folk culture.

The issue is 426 specimens.

For more detailed information, contact TIGI of Government of RT. Our address: Republic Tyva, g. Kyzyl, ul. Kochetova, d.4. E-mail: tigiizdat@mail.ru.

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