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3 March 2011

New electronic journal of Medical Anthropology and Bioethics

Valentina Kharitonova. Translated by Heda Jindrak

New electronic journal of Medical Anthropology and BioethicsRespected colleagues!

We are pleased to inform you that a new electronic periodical publication "Medical Anthropology and Bioethics (MAiB) has been registered  in Russia (El No. FS77-39035). This is the first international journal in our country of scientific, educational and popular-science profile, oriented towards the above scientific directions.  Its founder is the institute of RAN of the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the N.N. Miklukho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (119991, Moscow, Leninskiy Prospect, rm. 32A).


Currently, a double pilot issue is in preparation, later the journal will be published on a quarterly basis.

We are inviting an interdisciplinary circle of specialists to cooperation, who are working on the study of the problems of medical anthropology/ethnology and bioethics.

The journal takes for its task to bring together specialists who are interested in the problems of medical anthropology and bioethics - new scientific directions which are now actively developing in our country, and to help specialists here and abroad in the exchange of information, facilitating necessary scientific contacts, and organization of joint research projects. The purpose of the journal is to elucidate important matters of the above scientific directions in Russian and foreign materials.

The theme of this publication is within the framework of the above named scientific directions in the materials of different parts of the world, with emphasis on the situation in Russia and  in the countries of the former USSR (specifics and integration of medical systems, history of medical systems and practices, history of knowledge about health traditional and folk medicine, ethnomedicine, ethnopsychiatry, ethnopsychotherapy, social medicine, gerontology, ethnomedical ethics and bioethics, etc.)


Priority themes of the first issues:

Ÿ         Medical anthropology and bioethics as scientific directions in the West and in Russia;

Ÿ         Integration of medical systems in Russian health care;

Ÿ         Traditional Eastern medical systems in Russia and abroad;

Ÿ         Folk healership and its problems in Russia;

Ÿ         Psychotherapy as auxiliary profession;

Ÿ         Ethics of work with patients and clients: physician, folk healer, psychotherapist, traditional physician;

Ÿ         Children's immunization and associated discussions;


Our journal will be published in two languages - Russian and English (original texts will be published in Russian or English, with a complete translation or detailed summary in the other language).


We foresee three main sections (scientific; educational; popular-scientific).


Scientific section:

Ÿ         Scientific articles (volume of primary text up to 60000 symbols)

Ÿ         Reviews (vol. up to 20000)

Ÿ         Interviews (vol. up to 40000)

Ÿ         Discussions (vol. up to 80000 plus moderator forum)

Ÿ         Materials 9 about events, organizations, specialists) up to 40000 symbols with spaces).


Educational section:

Information about special departments in educational institutions, presentation of existing programs of study, discussions about the quality and possibilities of preparation of specialists, etc.


Popular science section:

Information materials with scientific commentaries about various medical systems and their features in various countries of the world, field materials/journals of medical anthropologists, atc.


The electronic format of this publication allows us to present large amounts of illustrative materials (photos, videos, audio) .

Warning: the legal aspect of the materials presented for publication is the responsibility of the author, who carries full legal responsibility (the editors will not be responsible for verification of the genuineness of the materials and copyrights).


The advantages of  internet-publication lies in the nature of the format, which allows us to place large volumes of accompanying photo-, audio- and video-materials, as well as organization of "live" discussions at special forums.

A paper( auxiliary) format of the publication is not in the plans so far, however the scientific articles can be  re-published in other publications of IEA RAN with paper format, and the authors may, if they wish, ( and notifying the editors) re-publish their own texts in othet [publications of paper format with a mandatory reference to our electronic publication.

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