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15 December 2011

Announcement - Release of New Issue of "New research of Tuva"

Announcement - Release of New Issue of "New research of Tuva"Dear friends and colleagues!

We are happy to inform you about the release of the newest issue of  "New Research of Tuva" journal - No.4 for 2011. The issue, as usual, contains a lot of research material about Tuva and other regions with nomadic culture, brand new articles concerning current research grant projects, as well as those that were already published in print as limited editions. We have new authors - eleven research workers in various fields of scientific and scholarly research (philosophers, historians, lawyers, philologists, geologists).  There are other innovations - new appearance of the issue, which is available for download in the PDF format. The volume of  the current issue in this version consists of 287 pages.

We continue to accept materials for the following issue of the journal - No.1 for 2012, which will be released in early March 2012. We are also prepared to accept preliminary announcements of publications, according to agreement with the authors.

We request that you pay attention to the rules of  article format (in the section "To the authors"), as well as the necessity for including annotations, and key words in Russian and English languages.

New authors are requested to submit articles with their photographs and Curriculum Vitae for the section "Personalities".

All corrections in the texts will be submitted for approval by the authors.

Illustrations to the texts should be in jpg format.

We remind receivers of grants and graduate students that publications in our journal are applicable towards reports and attestations.

There is no pay for publications in the journal.

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