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18 November 2011

Congratulations to Chimiza Lamajaa for successful defense of her doctoral dissertation!

Translated by Heda Jindrak

Congratulations to Chimiza Lamajaa for successful defense of her doctoral dissertation!Yesterday at the Moscow University of Humanities, a successful defense of  dissertation seeking the scholarly degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the founder of our site, its Editor-in-Chief and the main inspiration, Chimiza Lamajaa. She presented for evaluation her dissertation "Archaisation of society in the period of social transformations (socio-philosophical analysis of Tuvan phenomenon)", (in the specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy).

The scientific consultant was - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Merited  science worker of RF, Valeriy Lukov.

The main organization which prepared the expert conclusion regarding this work is the Institute of Philosophy of RAN.

The opponents were:

Doctor of Philosophy, chief of the department of Social philosophy of RGGU Evgeniy Ivakhnenko;

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Department of Sociology of MosGU Ellionora Kamaldinova;

Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Vice-director and chief of section of Ethnosocial problems of Institute of Philosophy and Law SO RAN Yuri Popkov. All of them positively evaluated Ch. Lamajaa's dissertation, noting the sound basis of the work, its excellent reasoning and its major academic and practical significance.

Colleagues from the Institute of  Fundamental and Applied research of MosGU, staff from Plenipotentiary representative Office of republic Tyva in Moscow, colleagues from other institutions of Higher learning and academic centers attended the conference.

After the almost four-hour evaluation of the work and  presentations, 23 members of Dissertation Council of MosGU who were present at the conference unanimously voted to award her the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The appropriate documents will be submitted to the Supreme Attestation Commission of RF for confirmation of the title.


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