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29 January 2011

Albert Kuvezin. "New stage of my music"

"Kyzyl-nedelya". Translated by Heda Jindrak

Albert Kuvezin. "New stage of my music"Not so long ago, the musical community and then the entire republic heard the news - the newest  CD of world-famous group Yat-Kha was at the head of the European Union of radio stations hit-parade. The album Poets and Lighthouses, recorded in 2008 on Scottish island Jura, took first place in the  "ethno music" genre, but the permanent leader of the group insists that this concept does not reflect the album at all.


- Maybe one day some music critic will find a term that will accurately describe the genre, - explains Albert Kuvezin, - right now all I can say is that the album is very different fro the preceding ones. It was born quite spontaneously; I came to Jura to record completely different music to my verse and to poems of other Tuvan poets.  And once I was there, a collection of  Japanese poetry fell into my hand by chance; the poems from this collection became the base of  this successful studio experiment. I see a special role of providence in the fact that the album is so successful.

The island itself where the album was recorded, in the author's words predisposes to creativity. Mountain vistas, heath, solitude - only 200 people live on Jura - one really feels creative in such an atmosphere. This is where George Orwell wrote his famous novel "1984"; beside that, the island is also famous for excellent whisky of the same name, made from a special recipe.


It is impossible to form a harmonic personality without development of spiritual components, without music and art. Specifically, ethnic components play an immense role in this process. As Albert Kuvezin explains, it is connected, first of all, with the fact that ethnics are based on hundreds, and sometimes thousands of years of history of the ethnos and its culture. Including music.

- But anyway, the most important part of creativity is not to make any boundaries. Why limit yourself even before the outset by some strictly defined format, - says Kuvezin, - in creative search anything is possible. You never know where you will find inspiration in the next moment. For example, in the album "Poets and Lighthouses", there is an organic interweaving of throat-singing, sounds of nature, Scottish bagpipe, Japanese poetry and many other things into a single musical-philosophical canvas. For that reason it is in my opinion to characterize it by some single term. I would call it - this is the music of my new stage.

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