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5 April 2011

Grandson of the last noyon

Alexander Filatenko. Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Heda Jindrak

Grandson of the last noyon79 years ago, in March of 1932, Buyan-Badyrgy was executed.

When he found out that we intended to go to the temple complex "Ustuu-Khuree", Vladimir Kombuy-oolovich was transfigured. His face became inspired and open, and his look even more good and respectful.

- That is good, even very good, - he said.  - Only be sure to get there before sunset.

The Chadan native Vladimir Kara-Mongush has a special relation to the Buddhist holy place. Ustuu-Khuree is not simply a place of pilgrimage for the believers, and the ruins of the temple's walls is not just a "wall of tears"; it is his clan's home territory. It was precisely here where the encampment of the last hereditary ruler of Tuva, Buyan-Badyrgy, was located. And Vladimir Kara-Mongush (according to his passport - Mongush) is Buyan-Badyrgy's grandson.

The last noyon of Tuva has many relatives, but real, "blood", direct descendants can be counted on your fingers. They are only from his mother's - Aldyn-Kui's -line. Vladimir Kombuy-oolovich opened Mongush Kenin-Lopsan's essay "Buyan-Badyrgy".


- Here, you see, is the genealogical tree of the noyons, - he points. - Aldyn-Kui is Buyan-Badyrgy's daughter. When he was being conveyed to Kyzyl, he asked the convoy officers to be allowed to say good-bye to a shepherdess Aldyn-Kui, called her his daughter, wished her prosperity and gave her a silver ring. That is a generally well-known and confirmed fact.

 There are six of us children in my family: Sambuu, Alexandra, Yakov, myself, Oyumaa, and Ekaterina. Yakov  resembles his grandfather the most, just look at his photo. You certainly need no DNA tests.

Vladimir Kombuy-oolovich found out that Buyan-Badyrgy was his own grandfather only after the perestroika.

- In childhood, when my parents had fights, papa often used to call my mother "daughter of a feudal", - he remembers. - it was the strongest, and, certainly the most frightening curse, because my mother would immediately fall silent after that.  We did not really understand any of it at that time. But, now, just like all the members of our large family, I am proud of my grandfather.

-  And what is your attitude towards the idea of raising a monument to Buyan-Badyrgy?

-  It is about time. Only I don't understand how the idea of Innokentiy Safianov came up, when they speak of raising a monument to Grandfather. I personally have nothing against this historical personage. But, I am categorically against having a joint monument.

Grandson of the last noyon-  Why? The proponents of this idea have ironclad arguments: in those complicate times, when  China and Mongolia had pretenses for Tuva, Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy, together with Safianov, found a solution to the complicated situation. And it is only thanks to their joint wise solution and delicate politics, that the Tuvan ethnos did not become mired in a civil war, and the unification of the nation transpired without bloodshed.

-  That may be true. But the monument to Buyan-Badyrgy as a personality should be raised also for other reasons. That is first. And second, if the experts believe that Innokentiy Safianov should be memorialized, let them raise a monument to Safianov, too.  Sure. But a separate one.

-  Unfortunately, I don't know more about my grandfather than anybody else,, - openly admits Vladimir Kara-Mongush. - Mama knew very little about him herself, and hardly ever reminisced. For decades, his name was under a prohibition. Buyan-Badyrgy received good education, he knew Tuvan, Russia, Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese languages. So out mother, even though her life was difficult, managed to give higher education to all of us. The oldest, Sambuu, graduated form the Kyzyl pedagogical college,  Alexandra from Moscow technological,  and myself - Kyzyl polytechnic institute.


Even the place of burial of Buyan-Badyrgy is not known. The documents about the arrest and shooting execution have not been preserved in the archives. It has been said that they have been destroyed in the '50's of last century, right after Stalin's death. The executioners - his henchmen, whose hands were bloody up to their elbows, were covering up their tracks.

Vladimir Kombuy-oolovich  is a merited worker of Republic Tyva, vice-president of the federation of national khuresh wrestling, was elected as a Supreme Khural delegate. For a long time he worked in transportation inspectorate of Chadan, and now he is a director of Chadan boarding school.

A true fan - that is what his countrymen say about him. He has been a free-form wrestling enthusiast since childhood. He was champion of the district, of the republic.  Now he trains others. For example, he gave much useful advice to Seden-Ochur Kara-Sal, the winner of the last republican Naadym.

They say that on the day of his daughter's wedding, he was the chief judge at competitions at the "Khuresh" stadium. The competition  lasted longer than expected,  but he did not leave. They waited for him for three hours.. And when the competition finished, the father showed up at the wedding with a retinue of wrestlers. It was a memorable wedding.

Together with his wife, a schoolteacher Nadezhda Olegovna, he lives in Chadan. His son Orlan works here at the courthouse. he already has a son of his own - Ochur. The four-year-old great-grandson does not understand yet which prominent ancestor we are discussing with his grandpa.  Possibly, at some later time he will be able to open new pages of the history of his clan, the head of which was the last noyon of Tuva, Buyan-Badyrgy.

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