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14 April 2012

XIV International Festival the Living Music and Faith "Ustuu-Khuree." will take place from 23 to 26 July 2012

XIV International Festival the Living Music and Faith "Ustuu-Khuree." will take place from 23 to 26 July 2012I. XIV International Festival the Living Music and Faith "Ustuu-Khuree." will take place from 23 to 26 July 2012 

II. Prayer services, rituals, ceremonies dedicated to the discovery of Temple Ustuu Khuree will held from 23 to 26 July.

III. The strongest fighters of the country will meet in battle in honor of the revived Ustuu-Khuree from 23 to 26 July.

IV. Hundreds of horses will gallop on the steppe Bora – Khol, kicking up dust, reminding us of former greatness and beauty of the Temple festivals from 23 to 26 July 2012.

V. Musicians’ performances, prayers, ancient methods of fighting, racing horses are repentance and offering of people to the long-suffering Temple, chanting and bowing memory to Hung Noyon Buyan Badyrgy will be from 23 to July 26, 2012.

Orchestral and ensemble playing musical instruments in Tuva firstly sounded in the large temples in Samagaltay and Upper - Chadan Temples, during the annual summer Buddhist holidays. In addition to playing ceremonial temple orchestra, wrestling and racing always were conducted for the believers and the people in the holidays.

Temple Ustuu Khuree is the only Buddhist temple in Tuva, whose walls are preserved to this day. Temple Ustuu Khuree is the only monument of Tibetan architecture in our country.

Decision to join a protectorate of the Russian Empire was adopted at the Temple Ustuu-Khuree. The pupil of the Temple Ustuu Khuree Buyan Badyrgy headed the government of an independent People's Republic of Tuva.

This year's festival and the opening of the Temple Khuree Ustuu is dedicated to 120 Anniversary of Buyan Badyrgy.

Hung-Noyon Buyan-Badyrgy, the pupil of Ustuu Khuree, spoke five languages fluently. He reached the level of Geshe in Philosophy, Sanskrit, Medicine and Astrology. He was familiar with the basics of Tantra. He headed the government proclaimed the first time in the history of the independent People's Republic of Tuva, falsely accused and executed during the years of repression. He was rehabilitated in 2007, during the festival Ustuu-Khuree, by the Decree of President of the Government of the Republic of Tyva Sholban Kara-ool.

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