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9 January 2011

A new publication about the intelligentsia of Tuvan People's Republic

Chimiza Lamajaa. Translated by Heda Jindrak

A new publication about the intelligentsia of Tuvan People's RepublicA new monograph  "Formation of the intelligentsia in Tuvan People's Republic (1921-1944))" by the candidate of historical sciences, Ramil Kharunov, was published in Abakan (Abakan2009). The publication was realized with support by RGNF (project 09-01-63002a/T).

The work is dedicated to the history of formation of Tuvan intelligentsia; it is based on a wide spectrum of historical sources and works. Problems of the elevation and establishing of cadres, which took place in the 30's,  is discussed in detail. Supported by numerous archival materials, the author showed the complicated process of teaching of Tuvan students at educational institutions of the USSR. The monograph includes previously unknown biographical data of representatives of political and intellectual elite of TNR.

This publication should be interesting to scholars of Eastern Studies and historians, as well as everyone who is interested in the more recent history of Tuva.

The author writes in the preface to the book:

"People…people from yellowed, cracked photographs, their open expressions, berets, fashionable haircuts, neckties. How much sincere enthusiasm can be sensed in their faces. The first physicians and teachers, officials and soldiers, composers and artists - an intelligentsia with a wide world-view and acute eagerness to learn. While working on the monograph,  my respect kept growing for these people, who loved their country - Tuva - so much.

The boiling inner energy of Tuvan society of 1920-1930, and the enthusiasm of the "epoch of changes" stimulated stormy development of phenomena unusual fro Tuva, including the formation of  an intelligentsia. Craving for education was so great, that the nation called these times "great thirst to  know the unknown" through study. The thirst of this single generation of Tuvan intelligentsia was filled with high ideals and dramatic changes. the Tuvan nation and its intelligentsia felt that their fate is in their own hands, and that they are strong enough and powerful to express themselves, to bring their ideals to reality. This was characteristic for the whole period of existence of Tuvan People's Republic.

This book is fist of all about people and for people. I tried to express my respect and love for the first Tuvan intelligentsia, whoch during a short span of time managed to bring a tremendous contributuion into the political, socio-economic and cultural development of their nation."

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