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6 December 2013

The New Research of Tuva No4 /2013 is released

Editorial board

The New Research of Tuva No4 /2013 is releasedThe New Research of Tuva No4 /2013 is releasedDear friends – our colleagues! We are pleased to announce the new issue # 4/2013 of the journal. We can describe it as a kaleidoscope of new research in Social and Humanity Studies not only about Tuva but also about other territories – Kalmykia, Yakutia, Mongolia. Besides, territorial interests of our authors enlarge as Siberia, as Europe. Ten new authors have joined the circle of our journal authors. We are pleased to state that our issue has become a valuable ground for operative representation of the research results for the members of different scientific schools, centers, regions, for the study of the colleagues’ works, exchange of opinions, and for the further professional, friendship communication as by correspondences, as by private meetings. Thank you, dear colleagues, for your trust and interest to our journal which quality we will maintain further. You can read the full information in the word of the editor. PDF version of the issue will be published soon; the materials will also be uploaded to the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

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