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30 May 2013

“Tyva Kyzy” Ensemble is celebrating its 15th anniversary

Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool, Luke Inglis

“Tyva Kyzy” Ensemble is celebrating its 15th anniversaryAmongst the bright men’s voices of the folk bands of Tuva, “Tyva Kyzy”   ensemble (tyvakyzy.com) is the only female throat singing folk group. Traditional songs are performed to the accompaniment of ethnic instruments, which are prevalent in the bands repertoire, preserving the authenticity and traditionalism with their distinctive arrangements within the music.

The ensemble was established in 1998 under the direction of Choduraa Tumat. Starting from 1999 the group has been participating in a number of different international festivals and cultural exchange projects of the small peoples of Russia.

“Tyva Kyzy” was cheered loudly by the audiences in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Finland, 16 states of the USA, Japan, China, and Korea.

The unique tones of the singers complement each other harmoniously. The leading personalities in the history of female throat singing Choduraa Tumat, and Aylanmaa Damyran, are the bearers of  the traditional way of folk song performance, who are adept in accompaning themselves on ethnic instruments,  as well as being able to sing different styles of throat singing – sygyt, kargyraa, khoomei, borbannadyr, ezengileer.

Ensemble accompaniment using traditional instruments such as the Igil, Byzaanchy, Doshpuluur, Chadagan, Khomus, Shoor and Dungur reveal in the songs of Choduraa Shirin (Tozhu), Alena Kombu (Chedi-Khol), Ayzana Khertek (Baryyn-Khemchik), Azian Damchai (Tes-Khem), Olcha Saryglar (Dzun-Khemchik) the mystical energy of ancient Tuva. 

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