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6 August 2011

"Paths of silver Shamanesses" - a new novel about Tuva

Translated by Heda Jindrak

"Paths of silver Shamanesses" - a new novel about TuvaPublishing house "Voskhod-A" in Moscow just released a new work of a Tuvan physician and writer, Anna Lamajaa - a novel "Paths of Silver Shamanesses" (M. 2011). The work is devoted to the hard life of  one f members of an ancient shamanic lineage of Tuva - the family of Silver Shamanesses, and its members in 20th century. Traditional existence of Tuvan nomads is shown, and changes resulting from transition to settled way of life; Soviet realities of life in Tuva and new changes in the lives of  Tuvan population associated with reforms of the 1990's .  All these events obtain new meaning when seen  through the veil of the mysterious, mystical worlds inhabited by the main heroine - the heiress of the shamanic lineage, and other people with  extraordinary abilities.


The publication was realized with the support of Ministry of Culture of Republic Tyva. 200 specimens have been sent to Tuva for libraries of the republic with the help of the Plenipotentiary office of Republic Tyva in Moscow.

An excerpt from the novel - "The Wedding" has been published in our journal (No. 1-2 of 2009).




From the author

Instead of a prologue. Dragon's Ridge - the home of nomads


Part One. Silver Shamanesses.


Born on a mountain pass

Lineage of Silver Shamanesses

At summer pastures

Father's arkan

End of summer


The wedding

The plague


 Part Two. Time of Changes.


The bee-eater bird

Second secret consecration

Death of Silver-head shamaness

Night of fear and Mountain of hope

New family

New order

A fight with wolves

Chayanma's visions

School of survival (childhood in a boarding-school)


A dog's devotion

Zoya Bashky

Farewell at Saigyn

Childhood friend

Road to the great world


Letter from the Teacher

Consecration at Baikal

Part Three. Time of Changes


Olkhon - island of love

Eagle's flight interrupted

What power in your name of sorrow?

Ordinary days

Path to mysterious world

Man's fidelity

Road to childhood

The last journey of Silver-head shamaness

The son


Disintegration of the country

The fall


Part Four. Mystery of Por-Bazhyn


Dream of  the Phoenix bird.

Bringing light to others, I burn!

The Son's choice

Secret of Por-Bazhyn

Kailas. The last consecration.

Letter to Ayumei

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