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4 August 2011

Return of Green Tara to Tuva

Info from Ministry of Culture of RT. Translated by Heda Jindrak

Return of Green Tara to TuvaAt  "Aldyn-Bulak" ethnocultural complex, tomorrow at 19:00 hours,  there will be an official presentation of a statuette of  "Green Tara" Goddess by Sainkho Namtchylak to the 'Aldyn-Bulak" complex. The ancient statuette of the Goddess has traveled through the largest monasteries of the Buddhist world, and finally will receive a place of honor at "Aldyn-Bulak".  Green Tara is a beloved goddess of the Buddhists. She brings freedom from sorrow, poverty and  pain, brings joy and destroys evil. Visitors may touch the holy statuette and ask for help for themselves and their close ones. This event so significant for Tuva will be associated with a concert performance by the national artist of Tuva.

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