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29 July 2011

Archeologists found ancient daggers and axes

Aigulya Chuldum-ool, TIGI. Translated by Heda Jindrak

Archeologists found ancient daggers and axesDuring the work of the field team No.1 of the Sayan complex expedition at Bai-Dag-1 cemetery (in the construction zone of Kuragino-Kyzyl railway), in the largest of the kurgans of this system, unique objects were found - two iron daggers and two iron axes. This information was confirmed by Director of TIGI K. Bicheldei and expedition member S. Skobelev.  All four objects were found in the upper part of the kurgan, closely adjacent to one another. Their state of preservation is very good.

These objects may date to the last centuries before our era. This find may help with more accurate dating of this burial complex, as well as cultural affinity of these artifacts; because previous finds of similar artifacts were known, predominantly, from a number of random finds. The discovery of these rare objects happened thanks to the attention to detailed work by the participants of the expedition, members of two colleges - TuvGU and NGU.

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