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The New Research of Tuva. Issue 1, 2014

About issue, articles and authors (editor’s word)


Times of change

Engineer’s path (round table about Chimit-Dorzhu Ondar’s book) (prepared by A.A. Kongu, Ch.K. Lamazhaa)


Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Otroshchenko I. V. The Buddhism and policy in the history of Tuva

Dorzhu Z. Yu. Vsevolod Ivanovich Dulov and the act of his life (to the anniversary of a historian scientist)

Karelina E.K. Music in Maxim Munzuk’s life

Kisel V. A. Tuvan art of small statuary and image of Noyon 

Fenzel O.V. Establishment and development of the Tuvan National Library as a infoedicational and cultural hub (1993-2013)

Yuxin Hou (China) The Analysis of Current Situation of Tuvan people in China

Yusha Zh.M. Shoor in the traditional culture of Tuvans in China

Sanchai Ch.H. “Dance of the eagle” – spiritual and artistic heritage of Tuvan people


The man and the Nature

Oydup Ch.K., Kurbatskaya S.S., Dongak R.Sh. Thermal supplies of Tarys Springs (South-East Tuva): profiles of micro-chemical structure

Kuzhuget K.S., Mongush S-S.S. Monitoring of earthquakes in Central Tuva

Dabiev D.F. Evaluation of recovering the “Tuvacobalt” Mining and Processing Complex: accounting the ecology factor


Scientific life

Yusha Zh. M. 3rd Congress of Russian Folkloristics

Mongush S.V. Summary of the 1st Republican Science and Practice Conference “Innovative technologies in education”

Zaytseva S.V. Teaching seminar “Traditional clothes of Tuvans: history and modernity”


We read, we cogitate

Basangova T. G. Telengit non-fairy folklore in studies by K.V. Yadanova


Beyond the Sayan mountains

Tarbastayeva I.S. Altai and Tuva: the beauty and the savage


In memoriam

Mart-ool Kima Biche-oolovna 

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 nrt-2014-1.pdf [10.09 Mb] (downloads count: 494)

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