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The New Research of Tuva. Issue 3, 2012

About issue, articles and authors (editor’s word)


Lamazhaa Ch. K. Regional models of archaization: scales and prospects


Times of change

Bicheldei K. A., Luvsandamba Dashnyam, Dongak A. S. Modern state and development perspectives for Mongolistics in Tuva

Lamazhaa Ch. K., Dambieva A. F. Prospects for developing ethnopolitology in Tuva: thesaurus approach


Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Bicheldei K. A. Scientific heritage of V. M. Nadelyayev and modern Tuvinology

Mongush D. A. E. I. Ubryatov, V. M. Nadelyayev and the Tuvan philology

Selyutina I. Ya. V. M. Nadelyayev – a founder of Siberian phonology school

Otroschenko I. V. About the history of protest movement in Peoples Republic of Tuva in the first half of 1930’s

Adygbai Ch. O. Dialogue of Tuvan and Western cultures (as exemplified by the scientist Ondar Daryma’s life)

Dyrtyk-ool A. O., Chyrgalan S. Yu. Influence of the Chinese culture on the traditional life of Tuvans


Nomads of the Asian continent

Basangova T. G. Alias folklore of Kalmyks


Tuvinology on the Internet

Salchak A. Ya. Electronic corps of texts of Tuvan language



Soyan M. K. What is Pan-Turkism for?


Scientific life

Lectures of Tuvinologists at the 5th International Turkology Research Symposium (J.M. Yusha)

Scientists from Tuva, China and Krasnoyarsk discussed the problem of earthquake forecast (A.A. Mongush, Ch.M. Khuragan)


First attempt at writing

Chazhytmaa A. B. Buddhist and shamanist syncretism in Tuva


Cherished memory

In memoriam of Elvira Grunina (M.V. Bavuu-Surun)


The land of blue rivers

Lnogradskiy Yu. “Ustuu-Khuree”: the main thing is not to run before the green horse 

Download whole issue in PDF: nrt-2012-3.pdf [4.45 Mb] (downloads count: 700)

Please note, that not all the illustrations are included in the PDF file to limit the file size. You can see all pictures on the site.

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