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The New Research of Tuva. Issue 2, 2012

About issue, articles and authors (editor’s word)


Times of change

Ondar Ch.-D. B. Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Soviet Republic of Tuva (extract from the manuscript “Lessons of life and a quest”)

Dulush I.D. A status and prospects of organizing the cultural events as exemplified by the “Ustuu-Khuree” International festival of live music and faith

Zhdanok N.A., Shaikhina D.A. A woolen future of Tuva

Khertek Ch.E. How do I see the Tuvan economy after the construction of “Kyzyl – Kuragino” railroad

Kuzhuget Ch.O. Investment prospects of Tuva in response to railroad development

Mongush M.G. Role and place for railroad in the social and economic development of Tuva


Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Mongush M.V. The Tophas and the Soyots: historical and ethnographic essay

Biche-ool V.K. Pages of history of dance culture in Tuva

Vasilenko V.A. Purbo Baldanzhapov’s unpublished manuscript “Tuva under the yoke of the Manchu invaders”

Kisel V.A. Tuva in anthropologist E.D. Prokofieva’s doom


Nomads of the Asian continent

Baydarov E.U. Religious and philosophic context of traditional outlook of Kazakhs


Scientific life

Resolution of the Youth Scientific Conference (with international participants) “Wildlife systems and economy of the borderline territories of Tuva and Mongolia: fundamental problems and prospects of sustainable usage”

International conference devoted to 100th anniversary of V.M. Nadelyayev (L. S. Myzhyt)


Tuvinology on the Internet

Fedorova L.V. For the researchers of Tengriism

Printseva I. Business partner: calm, intelligent, socially significant

Kuzhuget A. Prospects of Tuvan Wikipedia


First attempt at writing

Mongush A.A. The youth about socially significant issues of Tuva


We read, we cogitate

Abayev N.V. About the role of descents from Genghis Khan in the history of Eurasia

Ayupov N.G. Traditions of spiritual culture of nomadic civilization

Lamazhaa Ch.K. Heritage for the future

Bavuu-Syurun M.V. Lyudmila Shamina’s contribution in the research of Tuvan language


Beyond the Sayan mountains

Chesnokov P. At the Buddhist sacred places of India

Download whole issue in PDF: nrt-2-2012.pdf [4.42 Mb] (downloads count: 2303)

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