The school memorial museum of Nadia Rusheva published a set of postcards of the young artist's drawings - devoted to her illustrations to Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita". This is already the second postcard set; the first was published in 2009 (for the occasion of the 40th anniversary of N. Rusheva's death), and consisted of reproductions of drawings of various of Nadia's series.
In the words of Natalia Usenko, the head of the museum, the aim of publication of the sets is to make people acquaintanced with Rusheva's work or to give her fans an opportunity to see their long-loved drawings. The series "Master and Margarita" was scanned at A. S. Pushkin State Museum, where the drawings are kept.
The set includes 20 postcards with drawings made with the use of various techniques.
To obtain the sets costing 180 rubles is possible at Moscow school No.1466, which has been named after its legendary student, and where the memorial museum is located.
The address: ul. Erevanskaya, d. 2, str. 2.
Telephone: +7 (926) 781-72-02, e-mail: