“The main idea of Naadym is to honor the workers of the villages, who by their daily work secure the basic necessities of life for us, - says the premier Sholban Kara-ool. - Animal herding remains one of the most important branches of Tuvan economy, and not only because of the economics. Cattle husbandry forms the basis of life of a significant proportion of the population, and the basis of behavior towards the surrounding nature, rituals, ceremonies and traditions. That is why this holiday is truly national.”
Beside the traditional horse races and national wrestling khuresh, Nadym 2012 will have competitions- exhibitions of yurts, breeding cattle, competitions in various traditional skills of the herders – for example in making of felt and animal hair ropes, and in saddling horses.
The program of the Naadym also includes a fair of dishes of national cuisine, herders’ equipment, national clothing, handmade Tuvan musical instruments, and exhibition and sale of souvenirs as well as local arts and crafts industries.
As the organizing committee announced, guests were invited to neighbouring districts of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk. Because of the absence of hotels and lodging in the Bai-Tayga district center, a yurt town will be set up for them. For all those who were not invited but decided to participate in the Naadym as tourists, the organizing committee suggests to bring tents and sleeping bags. An area is reserved for a tent camp for the “unexpected” guests, with the minimal necessary “infrastructure”, security chambers, washrooms and toilets.