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3 October 2011

International dance Festival in Cheonan (South Korea) gathers speed

Tuvgosfilarmonia, Translated by Heda Jindrak

International dance Festival in Cheonan (South Korea)  gathers speedThe festival which began on 28 September, is gathering speed: performance after performance, the first stage is finished. Tuvan ensemble "Sayany"  has performed "Dembildei", "Ezir Kara", "Vereteno", "Shaman", and "Naadym". Aside from the contest performances, which brought in about one thousand spectators every day, the festival participants also bring pleasure to their hosts with performances on small stages, "Sayany" with a new number and new costumes every time. During a10-minute show, they presented "Doshpuluurum", "Shaman", and "Oitulaash", and during a15-minute show, "Ezir Kara", "Shaman", "Zvenyashchaya nezhnost" and "Oitulaash".

The work load is growing, and the performances are getting more serious. The artists leave the dorms no later than 10 am, and never return before midnight. And the only day when they had any chance of rest during the morning, they preferred to visit the "Wish-fulfilling Temple" and to pray.

They attended a service and circumambulated three times the 11 meter statue of the Buddha , prayed for their relatives and for success in the festival. On 30 September and 1 October , there were 3-hour street parades for the pleasure of the citizens, covering several central avenues. Next to the visiting groups, Korean performers took part as well, who presented a variety of programs: classical choir and orchestra, folk dance collectives, contemporary youth dance-music  and sports groups. The Koreans, as always, had something intricate: mobile mini-stages and a huge glowing dragon spewing flames from his mouth took part in the procession.

The parade was a difficult task for everyone: the distance of 2 km and 200 meters had to be negotiated  while being very active physically. The Tuvans never stopped dancing for a minute, thanks to which they astonished the spectators with the variety. Beauties in white dresses went first, greeting the citizens of  Cheonan with khadaks. Next were shamans beating drums, then archers, next horse-riders, and each of these performed their own dance. The last were the wrestlers, dancing the Eagle dance. The spectators were astonished by this exotic sight: it was about 43 degrees F in the street, and the wrestlers were wearing only their wrestling outfits (sodak-shudak).

One of the most vivid participants were Brazil and Singapore. Brazil, as a country of parades, looked magnificent in their open shiny costumes, with their own music accompaniment. And Singapore showed off a humongous head-dress of peacock feathers, which was about 2 meters high.

On 2 October, a Cheerful world contest was held, citizens of the town gathered (mostly old people, who are very active in Korea), and participants of the festival. The DJ turned on contemporary dance club music and the fun started. The Tuvans excelled again, showing off their ability to dance improvised disco as well as the folk dances.

On the evening on 2 October, the second stage of the contest took place - a 5-minute show. "Sayany" presented the "Warrior dance", which was well received by the audiences. The costumes of natural furs were wonderful to look at. Aware of the two wide screens for large panorama, they took care to have detailed make-up: there was no doubt that it was really Genghis-Khan and Subedei on the stage.

The next stage of the program was "The Night of all Countries": the artists introduced each other in more detail with characteristic folk movements.

3 October will be the most important day. The semi-finale will be in the morning, 10 teams will go to the finale, which will take place in the evening, and there will be the awards ceremony later.

We are impatiently awaiting the results!!!

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