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11 September 2010

Second special issue of our journal

Chimiza Lamajaa. Тranslated by Heda Jindrak

Second special issue of our journal Second special issue of our journal Dear friends! We are presenting our second special issue of our journal – Mongush M.V.:  Indian mosaics  // “New research of Tuva” www.tuva.asia , series “Special issue”, 2010, in Russian language. This educational-popular book represents the author’s attempt to examine the experience of her own stay in India from her point of view both as a researcher of Eastern science and as an ordinary person. The work combines two different genres, which, at first sight, might seem incompatible, but which nevertheless turn out to be an excellent representation of two hypostases - that of a research scientist observer, and that of a disciple receiving instruction from a spiritual tutor. As a result, the reader finds in equal proportion a combination of ethnographic sketches and travel notes, and discussions and interviews with interesting people. This presents an image of India as seen through the eyes of an ethnographer-tuvinologist, who observes the country and another culture with personal interest and offers parallels in both Russian and Tuvan cultures. Chapters from the book were published in our journal, Numbers 1-3, 2010.

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