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3 October 2012

“To The Highest Mountain Peaks of Alaska, Australia, and Europe” New Book in Tuvan Language Released

Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Emina Kyzyl-ool

“To The Highest Mountain Peaks of Alaska, Australia, and Europe” New Book in Tuvan Language ReleasedTo the Highest Mountain Peaks of Alaska, Australia, and Europe is a recently published book in Tuvan language written by one of the leading novelists in the republic Maadyr-ool Khovalyg.

It is the second author’s book of the Travelling series telling about the expeditions of the Tuvan mountaineers to the highest mountain peaks of the regions. The first book Tuvans on the peaks of the world was published in 2010 and was sold out within three months.

The new book contains three chapters:

“McKinley the Threatening Mountain of Alaska Natives” which is about climbing to the top of the highest point in the North America;

“Go, Beautiful Australia!” is dedicated to the travelling around Australia and mount Kosciuszko expedition;

“The Highest Mountain Peak of Europe, Mt Elbrus is beneath us” is the third chapter and narrates about climbing Elbrus.

The book contains a great deal of interesting information, for example:

Alaska Natives receive more dividends of oil revenues than any other resident, but our mountaineers couldn’t smoke the peace pipe with them because…

There was a half of kilometer wide avalanche coming down the mountain, and all of the alpinists from the camp 4200 were running away in horror like…

It turned out not the sheep were bleating but the Australian crows were crowing that way…

It was a good dream in the helicopter at an altitude of 4800 meters …

The book is addressed to a wide spectrum of readers; it is especially useful for the younger audience and for everyone who is interested in geography, travelling, and personal enrichment.

Sailykmaa Kombu is an editor; Mai-ool Choodu is a book cover designer. The book was published by “Journalist” Cooperative LLC in Abakan city in edition of 1000 copies.

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