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18 December 2010

Mongolia will be celebration 2200 years from founding of Xiongnu Empire

IA Montsame. Translated by Heda Jindrak

Mongolia will be celebration 2200 years from founding of Xiongnu EmpireIn 2011, Mongolia will observe 2200 years from the founding of the Xiongnu (Hsiung-nu) Empire.

National committee  for organizing this historical event is to be headed by the minister of education, E. Otgonbayar.

The government believes that the celebration of this date will graphically show how the Mongols were the first among the nomads to create their own state, which conducted relationships with neighboring advanced civilizations on equal basis; it will strengthen the Mongols’ pride in their native country and will bring significant contribution to the formation of patriotism.

To present understanding the Empire of the Xiongnu was a multi-national state, which means that this date should be celebrated together with countries of Asia and Europe, which should give us a wonderful opportunity to propagate the history and culture of nomads.

Researchers proved that the Great Mongol State of 13th Century  inherited and followed all the elements of state structure of  Xiongnu Empire.

The Xiongnu ruled immense territories, but the cradle of their state and the most densely populated areas were on the territory of today’s Mongolia.  It is evidenced by about 5000 kurgans, 20 ancient towns and settled points, and seven historical - memorial locations of ancient burials from the Xiongnu era, which have been found in  Mongolia.

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